Traditional Catholic
Fatima Network:
Tan Books:
All Roads Ministry Tracts Index Page: This page is offline at this time.
Catholic Faithful:
National Coalition of Clergy &
Keep The Faith:
Excellent Audio & Video Tape Apostolate
The Latin Mass magazine:
Our Lady of the Rosary Library:
Christian Order: Catholic magazine
published in
St. Benedict Center:
St. Benedict
The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter:
Sensus Traditionis: Home Page of Fr. Chad Ripperger, F.S.S.P.
Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest:
Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei:
Episcopally Approved Tridentine
Masses in the U. S. & Canada:
The Journal of the Ecclesia Dei Society - Australian site.
Catholic Apologetics International: Excellent apologetics, but lousy customer service.
Neumann Press:
Excellent Catholic books, including several by Michael Davies
The Latin Mass Society of England
& Wales:
Vancouver Traditional Mass Society: Great source for documents on the Traditional Mass/FSSP
St. Catherine Review: at present a blog, sort of.
The Catholic Counter-Reformation of the XXIst Century: Controversial, but interesting.
Fidelity Books
Online: Good Catholic site. Publishers of an excellent Australian magazine
called Fidelity. Formerly John XXIII Fellowship Co-op
Link removed
Keeping It Catholic website: The Faith, Family, and Home Education Network
Traditional Catholioc Gifts & Religious Articles: Mary Immaculate
Sede-vacantist site, but has some good out of print items
Maeta - Publisher of many good Traditional Catholic books:
Little Flowers Family Apostolate: Dedicated to helping families build the Church in miniature - the Home. Also dedicated to promoting Modesty in dress and Purity.
Angelus Press: Whatever you think of the SSPX, their publishing house has many good books.
"In the Spirit of Chartres" Committee:
Our Lady of the Rosary School:
Una Voce-Cedar Rapids Iowa Chapter
Seattle Latin Mass Congregation - Una Voce of Western Washington
Los Angeles Chapter of Una Voce America
Baronius Press Ltd: Source for Pocket-size Douay-Rheims Bible & 1962 Tridentine Missal
Roman Catholic Sacramentals Foundation: Carries Traditional Latin Mass Videos & DVD’s Traditonal Catholic News, etc.
Mother of Our Savior Co.: Traditional Catholic Gifts & Supplies
of St. Peter & St. Paul: Tridentine Mass
Parish in
Reference and Apologetics:
Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils:
Catholic Doctrinal Concordance:
Garment of Grace:
Text of a booklet on the Brown Scapular
Liberalism is a Sin:
Welcome to Excellent Apologetics tapes, all are FREE!
The 40
Questions Most Frequently Asked About the Catholic Church by Non-Catholics:
The Catholic Religion Proved
by the Protestant Bible:
Where we
got the Bible and our Debt to the Catholic Church:
Quizzes to a Street Preacher:
Quizzes to a Street Preacher:
Quizzes to a Street Preacher:
Virgin and
Statue Worship Quizzes to a Street Preacher:
The Catholic Church
has the Answer: by Paul Whitcomb
Confession of a Roman Catholic: Great little booklet by Paul Whitcomb, a former Protestant minister who converted to the Catholic Faith.
Commonitory of Vincent of Lerins:
Catholic Apologist's Cheat Sheet:
Catholic Bible
for Jehovah's Witnesses: Next time they come to the door, ask them
these... Offline
Don't be Fooled by Jack T.
Chick Tracts:
The Catholic Family
Handbook: Reverend George A. Kelly
These are the
Sacraments: Book by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Library Documents on
Pius XII: EWTN Library documents that refute the attacks on Pope Pius XII
for his wartime actions.
Keeping Your Balance in the
Modern Church:
The American Catholic Truth Society:
Catholic Apologetics
A Protestant's Guide to the Catholic Church: Offline
Corunum Catholic Apologetic Web Page:
Beginning Catholic Apologetics Home:
Jesse Romero, Catholic Lay
Evangelist: Dynamic Catholic convert and speaker
The Coming Home Network International:
Catholic Dossier: back issues 1996-2002 Offline
The Catholic Faith Magazine: back issues 1996-2002 Offline
Catholic World Report back issues 1996-2002 Offline
Homiletic & Pastoral Review: back issues 1996-2002 Offline
Outline of "Independent Bishops": This page lists the various lineages of “Traditionalist Bishops”. This is for reference purposes.
The Pieta Prayerbook: Offline
The Way of the Cross:
Novena to the Sacred Heart:
Prayer to the Shoulder Wound
of Jesus:
Seven Offerings of the
Precious Blood:
The Seven Sorrows Devotion:
Prayer to St. Joseph:
Prayer for Holy Priests:
Prayer for the Poor Souls in
Devotion to the Drops of Blood
shed by Our Lord:
Rural Life Prayerbook: Old prayer book on EWTN website, has some
very good prayers.
Novena in Honor of
the Most Holy Face of Jesus:
The Catholic Baltimore Manual of Prayers: Has Prayers for Mass, Holy Communion & Adoration.
Spiritual Life:
An Examination of Conscience for Adults:
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola:
Spiritual Life by Very Rev. Adolphe Tanquerey: Introduction, #1-48, - Note: From this link
on, I will list only the title and paragraph numbers for each section.
The Spiritual Life
The Spiritual Life
The Spitual
Life #295-351:
The Spitiual
Life #352-406:
The Spiritual Life
The Spitual
Life #618-634:
The Spiritual Life
The Spiritual Life
The Spiritual Life
The Spiritual Life
The Spiritual Life
The Love of Eternal
Wisdom: St. Louis de Montfort
True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary: by St. Louis de Montfort
The Secret of Mary: by St. Louis de Montfort
Eucharistic Day: Good little booklet of material taken from the writings of
St. Peter Julian Eymard
Lessons for the Soul:
Here are some chapters from the book "Hell plus How to Avoid Hell"
published by Tan Books.
Catholic First:
Has many great classic Catholic books for reading online.
The Rosary - An Introduction: This
site also has Papal Encyclicals on the Rosary
Pains of Hell: (Ignatian Spitiual
The Illuminative Way:
(Ignatian Spitiual
Personal Salvation: A Meditation by St. Anthony Mary Claret
The Pains of Hell: A
Meditation by
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin: Meditation by
Divine Intimacy: by Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene (most of the book, not all)
Holy Mass/Holy Eucharist/Eucharistic Adoration:
The Hidden Treasure of the Mass: book by St. Leonard of Port-Maurice
THE REAL PRESENCE: book by St. Peter Julian Eymard
The Real Presence Association:
The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist - The Value of Sacrifice
Instruction on Eucharistic Worship:
Eucharistic Adoration News Home Page:
Links to the Eucharist: Church Documents:
Eucharistic Adoration Manual: Book that can be very useful for starting Perpetual Eucharistic
for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration:
Holy Mass: A Pictorial Guide with text. (Reference only, links to sede-vacantist sites.)
Other Catholic Sites:
Adoremus - Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy: I don’t agree with their aim to
“renew” the liturgy, but they do have a lot of useful documents and articles.
Saint Joseph Communications: They have a lot of good Catholic Apologetics material, but be careful, many of the speakers are very anti-Traditional.
All Catholic Books: They carry many excellent Catholic books. But they do carry some not so good ones.
Sophia Institute
Our Lady's Warriors:
Catholic League for Religious &
Civil Rights:
The St. Joseph Foundation:
Universal Living Rosary Association:
Pauline Books &
Media/Daughters of St. Paul: Excellent source for hard copies of
Encyclicals & other documents
Catholic Information Network:
The Catholic Pages:
The Seven Dolors of
Mary: Large site with prayers and other good material
Holy Souls Online:
Friends of the Suffering Souls:
Holy Wounds
Rosary Center:
Patron Saints Index:
Free Stuff - The List: Free Catholic booklets & tapes, meant
primarily for non-Catholics.
Courage: Real help for those struggling
with homosexuality
is Killing You: Small site that gets right to the point.
Chastity - No Contraception, No Sterilization: Chastity is for married
people, too (Note: I post this link because the site has a lot of good info,
however, NFP is NOT to be used unless there is a SERIOUS need for doing so.)
A magazine aimed primarily at college students, but is useful for most anyone - Catholic vocations: Good site for help in discerning a vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life. Legionaries of Christ site, so caution is in order.
The Cross and the Veil - A Catholic Web Resource For Spiritual Discernment: Useful against “New Age”.
The Angelus Magazine: SSPX. Does have some good articles. For reference only.
Opus Dei Awareness Network: Something to consider.
Nextwave Faithful - Life, Love, Purpose, Truth
Love One Another Magazine: Has some interesting articles.
True Knights: Defending the Family, Defending the Faith!: Good site, but their prayerbook has a prayer to “John Paul the Great”.
Pure Love Club: Has some good info, but they also promote Charismatic garbage, and have a video put out by the USCCB.
Relevant Radio: Catholic radio programming
Catholic Articles:
from the Pew AND Lex Credendi,
Lex Orandi Web Site:
The vast majority of the material from these sites are
now back online on my Site.
Documents Revealing
the Truth about Renew 2000: Also includes the 1986 critique by the NCCB of
the original "Renew"
Review of Renew 2000 Materials:
Paulist's Renew 2000 Is Just a Front for Call to Action:
II - Paulist's Renew 2000 Is Just a Front for Call to
Modern ecumenism is a fraud....:
to ecumenism....:
62 Reasons why....: The
New Ordo Mass may be valid, but that's all that can
be said for it...
Ecumenism Condemned by Scripture:
Is Communion in the
Hand an Abuse?:
Communion in the
Why Communion in the
Hand is Forbidden:
Rethinking Communion in
the Hand: Excellent article by Jude Huntz
Pope John Paul II
Says: Let Catholics Have the Traditional Mass
Pope John Paul II
Says: Let Catholics Have the Traditional Mass: Part II
Resisting Wayward
Prelates: According to the Saints
The Third
Secret of Fatima and the Post-Conciliar Debacle:
The Case for the Latin Mass:
Article by Dietrich von Hildebrand
Concilium: A Lawyer Examines the Loopholes
The New Mass and
Indefectibility: Excellent Article by Michael Davies
Surviving the Post-Vatican
II Church: Offline
The Ottaviani
Virtues: Articles on Modesty in
Catholic Organizations: offline
On Papalotry:
Article based on a speech by Dr. William Marra
A Heretical Pope? : Article
by Michael Davies
Episcopal Jurisdiction and the
Roman See:
The Doctrinal Authority of Papal
De Defectibus
"On the Defects that may occur in the Celebration of Mass": This
used to be in all Altar Missals pre-Vatican II.
The Jargon of
Liturgists: Brain-washing the Faithful:
A New
Catholic's Problems regarding Traditionalism: Article by Stephen Hand -
Explains why Traditional is the way to go, although now I doubt Mr. Hand would
agree. Offline
Is the New Mass Valid or
Pleasing to God?: Very interesting article. I don't necessarily agree with
their assessment of the Indult Mass, but otherwise is something to seriously
Conservative Bishops,
Liberal Results: Excellent article by James Hitchcock.
Is the
Vatican Being Ignored?: Offline
Vocabulary of
Terms commonly used by dissenters:
Modesty Proposal: An excellent short article on the topic, though I DO NOT
recommend the magazine it appeared in.
Closer Look at Charismatic Renewal:
On Modesty and Mortification:
The Emergence of Conservative
and Modesty:
Small Christian
Communities: A New Danger to the Parish:
Protest and Criticism of Papal Acts: Excellent and intelligent article
written by Adam C. Kolasinski Offline
Bishop Bruskewits's Diocese Oozing with Pentecostalism, Ecumenism
and Polka Masses: Article by John Vennari from
Catholic Family News Jan. 99 issue
An Apologia for Roman
Catholic Traditionalism: Remnant Article by Chistopher
Ferrara which brings up some excellent points. I highly recommend it.
Traditional Catholicism is
Historical Catholicism: History's Indictment of the "Conservative"
Error: Remnant article by Thomas E. Woods. Highly
Mission Infallible: When is
he? When is he not?: Excellent article which explains Papal Infallibility
and its limits.
Fatima Perspectives: by
Christopher A. Ferrara
Operative Points of View by
Fr. Chad Ripperger:
Catholic Pentecostals - The
Risk is too Great: Excellent artice from the
February 2000 issue of Christian Order
View: Apologia Pro Michael Davies & Other Catholics: Excellent article
by Mario Derksen, a MUST READ. Offline
Brief Defense of Traditionalism: EXCELLENT article. A MUST READ.
Maine Right to
Life Committee:
Pro Life Action League:
American Life League:
Human Life International:
Life Dynamics: For
people who work in abortion clinics and want to help stop abortion. Exposes Planned
Parenthood's and Nation Abortion Federation's complicity in protecting child
The Elliot Institute:
Priests for Life:
Birthright International:
Life Issues Institute, Inc.:
The National Office of Post-Abortion
Reconciliation and Healing:
Rachel's Vineyard: Retreats for
Post-Abortion Healing
Abortion Facts: The truth
about the Pill
National Right to Life:
Life Decisions International:
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform:
CAUTION: Contains very graphic pictures
The Silent Scream: CAUTION: Very
graphic material
The Silent No More Awareness Campaign:
One More Soul Center:
Confession of an
ex-abortionist: Read the real story of how abortion became
"legalized" in the
Sidewalk Counselor's Page: Gives advice on how to do sidewalk counseling. Offline
Catholics against Contraception: - Your Life, Family and Culture Outpost: Pro-life news
Catholic Apparitions of Jesus and Mary: Generally good. Informational purposes only.
Answers about Medjugorge and other reported revelations: Medjugorje true? NOT!!!
Medjugorje after Twenty-two Years - The Definitive History: by Michael Davies
Medjugorje: Is All That Glitters Gold?: Another
excellent site that exposes Medjugorje.
Revelation: Unravelling Medjugorje:
Another excellent expose' of Medjugorje.
Catholic Music:
The Music Ministry of Gretchen Harris:
Carrick Ministries Foundation, Inc.
ACLA American Catholic Lawyers Association Home Page:
Enough is Enough Home Page: Devoted to protecting children and families from
illegal pornography and online predators
National Law Center: Devoted to
protection against pornography by assisting law enforcement and law
Bolek's Craft Supplys: Good source for beads for Rosary Making
Catholic Video Vision Video & DVD: Carries Catholic & Christian movies