Crying in the Wilderness
The purpose of this exposé
is not simply to throw stones at modern ecumenism, but to warn faithful Catholics
to the danger of surrendering their "pearl of great price'; their one true
Holy Roman Catholic Faith to the liberal spirit of the age.
Modern Ecumenism is a
In the 1908 Catholic
Encyclopedia, the word "Ecumenism" does not even appear. It goes
straight through from Ecuador to Ecumenical Council to Edda. The heading
Ecumenical Council contains nothing more than this: "ECUMENICAL COUNCIL:
In the 1965 Catholic
Encyclopedia, however, no less than seven pages are devoted to the
"Ecumenical Movement': Ecumenism is, therefore, a twentieth century
phenomenon. In the short span of sixty years, ecumenism as we know it today,
has come from a state of non-existence, to being the integral fabric of the
"New Theology of the Church."
Definition of Ecumenism
The Ecumenical Movement is
basically the movement toward reunion of all Churches into a single Church, one
in body, but not necessarily holding the same religious tenets... spotlighting
things we have in common, hush-hushing those things which divide us. Should you
ask, however, ten different theologians of ten denominations for a definition
of ecumenism, chances are you would receive ten slightly different replies.
This is the greatest weakness of ecumenism. it is a slippery sloppy expression
devoid of any solid orthodox definition. It thus avails itself of ambiguity and
double talk--as do subversive movements in general. The Second Vatican Council
had a great deal to say about ecumenism, without ever giving the definition of
the word!
Prior to 1960, the Catholic
Church had always kept the Ecumenical Movement at arms length from the mystical
Body of Christ, now and then touching it with the proverbial ten-foot pole, but
never taking an active part.
Any student of ecclesiastical
history will tell you that the Roman Catholic Church's particular charism was
to clarify the truth in times of confusion and, to counter what was novel or
erroneous by clinging to and defining what she has always believed since the
time of the Apostles. Thus when Martin Luther denied so much of what the Roman
Church held true, she took care of this problem at the Council of Trent...
defining in detail each one of the Seven Sacraments, indulgences,
justification, etc. The Church does not invent new doctrines at these councils,
but defines and clarifies in a solemn and official manner what she has always
believed. The Councils of the past took the Church and the world from a time of
confusion, into a period of theological stability. Unfortunately, Vatican II is
the first council in the history of the Church that did not help in this
regard. As a matter of fact, we must regretfully admit that all evidence
clearly shows she only made things far worse.
Origin of Ecumenism
The ecumenical movement as
it exists today owes its origin to a conference of Protestant missionaries at
Edinburgh in 1910. Its original purpose was among Protestant missionaries of
different denominations to promote a spirit of collaboration in order to
"evangelize" the pagan world. Doctrinal differences were to be played
down... unity of action and what was held in common by all was to be exalted.
It was during this time
that Charles Brent, an American Episcopal Bishop of the Philippines conceived
the idea of assembling a great conference of delegates from all Christian
confessions. A second conference was formed shortly after by Brent called the
"Conference on Faith and Order." In 1919, the Holy See being
invited to send delegates, politely declined. Pope Benedict XV explained that
although his earnest desire was one fold and one shepherd, it would be
impossible for the Catholic Church to join with others in search of unity. As
for the Church of Christ, it is already one and could not give the appearance
of searching for itself or for its own unity. It is reported that the Holy
Father did not disapprove of the movement as something outside the Catholic Church,
but by his own words it is obvious he knew it was not only futile, but
dangerous and even scandalous to the Catholic Faithful to participate in
seeking unity in such a manner.
It was through this
movement that the World Council of Churches was born.
Mortalium Animos and
Humani Generis
There is no doubt that
certain priests and theologians, influenced by a distorted notion of Christian
Charity became interested in this "Movement of Unity", and that many
were literally straining at the leash to take part. Thus Pope Pius XI was moved
to provide the excellent Catholic guidance he did in his 1928 encyclical Mortalium
Animos, (ON FOSTERING TRUE RELIGIOUS UNITY) an encyclical which, for
obvious reasons, is seldom quoted these days. Pope Pius XII also sounded the
alarm to this error in his great 1950 encyclical Humani Generis
CATHOLIC FAITH). He warned of those who wished to "reduce to a minimum the
meaning of Catholic dogmas..." and "the desire to do away with the
barriers that divide good and honest men. "The term he employed was "eirenism"
calling it a "serious danger" because "it is concealed beneath
the mask of virtue."(See Humani Generis par. 12 to 25). Father Vincent
Micelli has called this "the Forgotten Encyclical". It seems more
likely that it was not forgotten, but vehemently ignored! Strangely enough, the
very acts considered immoral by both Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius XII were urged
upon Catholics following the 1962-65 Council as being suddenly justified by the
so-called "Spirit of Vatican II."
Ecumenism Prevailed at
the Council
I must be here noted that
Modernism, the synthesis of all heresies which had been condemned and
effectively brought under control by Pope St. Pius X was nevertheless alive and
well underground as St. Pius X expressed it, "within the very bosom of the
Church." The Second Vatican Council brought all the world's bishops and
their most "prestigious" theologians to gather in Rome, and to the
great tragedy of the Church, the liberal and modernist element prevailed.2 The
fruits of which are strikingly before our eyes. A spirit of Ecumania became
rampant at this time. No longer was the first concern "is it
orthodox?", but "is it ecumenical?': A lust for change and innovation
was inexplicably brought to a euphoric height! Protestants and schismatics were
invited to attend the Council not to participate, but to come as observers. A
few bishops noted this made it somewhat awkward to debate issues where their
errors were involved. The New Rite of Mass was conceived by this spirit of
ecumenism. This is why it so closely resembles a Protestant service. The "Ecumenical
Spirit" has been the primary formative principle in the whole range of the
new liturgical and sacramental forms established by the new Church. In
the immediate wake of Vatican II, the entire Catholic world was suddenly rocked
off its axis by profound and unprecedented changes blasting their way through
the entire Church with inexhaustible energy and intense fury. The unfortunate
Catholic laity, who certainly did not ask for this revolution, and who were
totally unaware of what their leaders had in store for them were taken
completely by surprise. The Council, therefore, was like a great launch pad supporting
the rocket of ecumenism about to blast its way violently through every single
parish church, every religious community, and every seminary in the world.
Modern Ecumenism: An
Ecclesiastical Swamp!
The difference between a
river and a swamp is great! A swamp has no banks, and the waters mish-mash
wherever they will. A swamp is useless as a waterway, as a source of life for fish,
or for cleansing. Whereas a river has fixed banks which keep the waters flowing
in the proper direction. Since it has boundaries, and depth, and width, it can
be a great source of life, health, and practical benefit.
Modern ecumenism is a
swamp! We have been sling-shot into this Ecumenical Movement without a clear
definition of ecumenism itself, and what are to be the safe guidelines for
ecumenism... in other words, where does one stop? All ecumenical activity, no
matter how scandalous or ludicrous is justified by appealing to Vatican II's
Decree on Ecumenism... which, along with the other Council documents, is
lacking in definition and is deliberately ambiguous. On this point, Cardinal
Ruffini expressed particular concern that the Decree on Ecumenism failed to
provide any adequate definition of the word "ecumenism" itself... a
dangerous factor since the word is used in a different sense by Protestants and
Catholics. But this was no accident! The liberal Dutch theologian Fr. Edward
Schillebeeckx, a periti at Vatican II admitted: "We have used
ambiguous terms during the Council and we know how we shall interpret them
Likely, the reason why no
definition of Ecumenism was given by the Second Vatican Council for its use of
the term "ecumenism" was that if the actual intent of the Decree of
Ecumenism was openly declared, any well informed Catholic of good will would
have repudiated it, and the value of the Decree as an instrument of subversion
would have been lost. At face value, how could any true Catholic subscribe to
the absurd notion that a religious unity according to God's will is possible by
playing down any aspect whatsoever of God's revelation concerning Himself, His
Church, and our salvation only to magnify what is believed "in common"?
It's as if twenty centuries of Catholic Teaching and Tradition should bow down
before the great "messiah" of ecumenism and utter the immortal words`
"it must increase, and the Church of Christ must decrease."
All Religions on the
Same Footing
The great danger of
ecumenism is that it places all religions on the same footing. Modern ecumenism
would have us believe that all men of whatever religious persuasion are equally
"on their way to God." They are merely taking different means to get
there... so if you re a Protestant, be a GOOD Protestant, if you're a Jew, be a
GOOD Jew, if you're a Moslem, be a GOOD MOSLEM, if you’re a Hindu, be a GOOD
Hindu. God is portrayed as being at the summit of a mountain, and there are
many roads and paths up that mountain that lead to Him. ANY MAN IS FREE TO
Now once Catholics get the
bug of "Ecumenitis" into their bloodstream, the infection can
only bring about spiritual sickness and death. They will start to be careless
about their own Catholicism. They will join in worship with persons of false
religions and end by abandoning the True Church of Christ. They will come to
look upon the Seven Sacraments as merely "optional" means of grace,
no better than the ceremonies of other cults... free to use, free to reject
with no consequences upon their eternal salvation.
Modern ecumenism is
therefore strikingly at odds with the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ to His
Apostles when He entrusted them with His Divine Law, established His Church
with Peter as the head, (Matt. 16: 18-19) and gave them the Divine commission
to "Go... and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." (Matt. 18:19). It
ignores the warning of Christ when he told us "no-one comes to the Father
but through Me."(John 14:6) and furthermore, "He who believes and is
baptized shall be saved, but he who does not believe shall be
condemned."(Mark 16:16) It is in opposition to the will of Christ:
"There shall be one fold and one Shepherd," (John 10:16) He being the
Shepherd. Modern ecumenism is opposed to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ... it
is ecclesiastical lunacy.
An Ecumenical Moses?
The book of Exodus tells us
of Moses coming down the Mountain of God with the tablets of the Law... the Ten
Commandments. Now there were twelve tribes of Israel. Suppose one of the
tribes, just say the tribe of Juda, after examining the 10 Commandments
distinguished themselves saying "We'll accept all the Commandments except
Commandments 8 and 10,"and solidified their protestation proclaiming
"We cannot and will not recant!" Do you think Moses would have
pursued "ecumenical dialogue" with these people, or danced around in
a state of ecumenical euphoria exuberant over the fact that they at least agree
with him in regard to the other eight? Furthermore, do you think he would have
made sure that in the Israelite's liturgies and religious services there be no
mention of the 6th and 8th Commandment because he did not wish to
offend the tribe of Juda? In doing this, would Moses be serving God's design,
or a perverted human design? Is not the answer ferociously obvious?
And is this not what we see
to have happened in the wake of Vatican II and the euphoria over ecumenism?
Whose ends are being served in this novel approach to false religions, Christ's
designs, or a perverted human design? Just as Moses would have had absolutely no
right to play down, or worse yet, be ashamed of the revelation of which God had
made him the custodian, so too no authority in the Catholic Church has any
right whatsoever to be ashamed of the revelation of which God has made them
custodian... sweeping even the smallest particle of Catholic Truth under the
ecumenical carpet so as not to offend disbelievers. Such activities subvert the
mission of Christ causing irreparable scandal not only to the faithful, but to
all non-Catholics as well, each of whom we should regard as a Catechumen in
spe (a prospective catechumen) Such a thing is an abandonment of the
Evangelical Law in principle and a repudiation of Christianity itself.
"Not one jot or tittle shall be lost from the Law" our Lord says,
(Matt. 5. 18) and "he who does away with one of these least commandments
and so teaches men, shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matt.
5 18-19).
Why is it a Fraud?
Modern Ecumenism is a fraud
because it is a false principle "concealed beneath the mask of
virtue." It can only operate to the destruction of the Catholic Church.
Though it deserves a more full and lengthy treatment than presented here, the
most striking problems are:
The mission of the Church
is the mission of Christ. Christ came to redeem man from sin and teach him what
he must believe and do in order to gain salvation. Christ came also to govern
and sanctify... and we must accept the full message of Christ, not a slim or
distorted portion of it. This full message of Christ is found in the Catholic
Church alone. Ecumenism will have us play down or diminish Catholic Truth for
the sake of ecumenical union. It will have us leave people alone in their
religious error, and acknowledge that all religions, both true and false, are
NOT NECESSARY FOR SALVATION. The Church loses her role as teacher of mankind
("The Roman Church is the Mother and teacher of all the churches." {Dogma
of Faith} Vatican I). "Go forth and teach" has been transformed
into "Go forth and dialogue."
Theological truth and the
acceptance of it is no longer the primary aspect of religion. On the contrary
it becomes a simmering-of-all-religions together in a kind of "Ecumenical
Stew" where each one must boil out his own distinctive taste in order to
blend with the other ingredients. IN CONTRAST TO THE TRUTH THAT GOD HAS
TRUTH AND THUS NO UNION AT ALL. God demands that He be believed and worshiped
in truth, that is according to what He is, and what He has told us. Ecumenism
ignores all this and places not truth, but the blueprint of a kind of "United
Nations of Religions" as its highest possible end. This is false religion.
(It should be noted that no other religious body has made such sweeping changes
for the sake of Ecumenism than has the post-Vatican II Church. Protestants,
Jews, Moslems, etc. have not changed anything... only Catholicism.)
The authorities in our Holy
Church have sacrificed their own unity on the altar of ecumenism causing a
severe fragmentation of the Catholic Church in the name oi unity, to the point
where we find, if we may use "big-media" terminology, everything from
the "extreme right" to the "extreme left" within our
parishes, within our seminaries, within our chanceries... with a heavy emphasis
on the left, and a curious intolerance of the right. If "following one's
own conscience" and "sincerity" be the only barometer of
religion, then it necessarily follows that this will immediately strike and
disintegrate the unity of the Church. ECUMENISM IS UNITY AT THE EXPENSE OF
May Catholics Question
Vatican II's Ecumenism?
Vatican ll was not a
doctrinal Council... it did not make any solemn definitions binding our
conscience on Faith and Morals. It was a pastoral Council... a Council for
guiding souls. We may therefore, be permitted to ask "To where have we
been guided?" At the close of the Council, the Bishops asked Cardinal
Felici for that which theologians call the "theological note" of the
Council. He replied "We have to distinguish according to the schemas
and the chapters those which have already been the subject of dogmatic
definitions; as for the declarations which have a novel character, we have to
make reservations." Now ecumenism is clearly a novelty. The
practice of modern ecumenism is clearly in contradiction to the teaching and
actions of previous Popes, and the effect of ecumenism is a disastrous and
catastrophic path bulldozed through the entire Church, the uprooting of the
very foundations of the Faith, and the shattering of every aspect of Catholic
Truth down to the last molecule. Ecumenism is an ecclesiastical atom bomb! It
is at the very heart of the present crisis of Faith. Catholics are completely
within their rights, therefore, to "make reservations" and even
resist this questionable "novelty" of ecumenism.
This does not mean,
however, that Catholics and non-Catholics cannot work together in the civil
order for the common good, as Bishop Duane Hunt put it in 1949, "even if
we cannot be united in faith, we can be united in good works." All men of
good will can and should rally their forces and present a united front against
the onslaught of militant atheism in the East, and soft-sophisticated atheism
in the West. It is necessary to unite and fight these great evils in all their
forms, but this does not mean Catholics are to be coerced into sacrificing one iota
of Catholic Truth in these endeavors, particularly within the very household of
the Faith.
The Only True Unity: The
Catholic Church
No matter what the odds, we
must diligently and unceasingly work toward all men coming within the fold of
the one true Church. As far as Christ is concerned, nothing else will do. Even
if this idea seems "next to impossible" in our day - another illusion
- we must not abandon this ideal, for the eternal salvation of the non-Catholic
depends on it. It is only cowardice, lack of conviction, and a distorted notion
of Christian Charity that looks to ecumenism for the answer. Let us fervently
pray that perhaps, through the grace of God, we may return to the Catholic
principle of Pope Pius XI who in his no-nonsense 1928 Encyclical Mortalium
Animos,(ON FOSTERING TRUE RELIGIOUS UNITY) left no room for doubt:
"lt seems opportune
to expound and refute a certain false opinion on which that complex movement by
which non-Catholics seek to bring union of Christian Churches depends. They add
that the Church, in itself, or of its nature, is divided into sections, that is
to say, that it is made up of several churches or distinct communities, which
still remains separate, and although having certain articles of doctrine in
common, nevertheless, disagree concerning the remainder; that these all enjoy
the same rights; and thus, in their contention, the Church was one and
undivided from, at the most, the Apostolic age until the First Ecumenical
Council. Controversies, therefore, they say, and longstanding differences of
opinion, which have kept asunder till the present day members of the Christian
family, must be entirely put aside, and for the remaining doctrines a common
form of faith drawn up and proposed for belief, in the profession of which all
may not only know but feel that they are brothers... They go on to say that the
Roman Catholic Church also has erred, and has corrupted the original religion
by adding and proposing for belief certain doctrines , which are not only alien
to the Gospel, but repugnant to it... meanwhile, they affirm that they would
willingly treat with the Church of Rome, but on equal terms, that is, as equals
with an equal... This being so, it is clear that the Apostolic See cannot on
any terms take part in their assemblies, nor is it lawful for Catholics to
support or to work for such enterprises; for if they do so, they will give
countenance to a false Christianity, quite alien to the one Church of Christ...
Who, then, can conceive a Christian Federation, the members of which retain
each his own opinion and private judgement, in matters which concern the very
object of Faith, even though they may be repugnant to the opinion of the rest?
...Unity can arise only from one teaching authority, one law of belief, and one
faith of Christians... the union of Christians can only be furthered by
promoting the return to the true Church of Christ of those who are separated
from it, for in the past they have unhappily left it."
This traditional teaching
on Christian unity (ecumenism) was set forth, again, in the Instructio de
Motione Oecumenica(Instruction of the Ecumenical Movement, A.A.S.,
31 January 1950) published by the Holy Office on 20 December 1949, which
emphasizes the teaching of Pius XI in his encyclical Mortalium Animos
of 1928. (Information added to original)