BAPTISM - Its Existence: Matt. 28:18-19/Mark 16:15-16/John 3:5/ Administered and Alluded to: Acts 2:37-38,41/Acts 8:36-38/Acts 10: 47-48/Acts 18:8/Acts 19:1-5/1 Cor.12:13/Eph. 5:25-27/Heb. 10:22/ 1 Peter 3:19-21/ The Necessity of: John 3:3-7 Of Infants, inferred: Acts 16:32-33/1 Cor.1:16/ The Effects of: John 3:5/Acts 2:38/Acts 22:16/Rom. 6:3-5,11/Gal. 3: 26-27/Col. 2:11-12/Titus 3:5-7/ CEREMONIES AND VESTMENTS, USE OF - Ex. 28:2-4/Ex. 29:4-9/Num. 9:1-3/ Deut. 4:8/Ecclus. 47:9,11-12/Ezech. 42:14/Ezech. 44:16-19/1 Cor. 14:40/ CHRIST - True Son of God: Ps. 2:7-8/Matt. 3:16-17/Matt. 16:15-17/ John 3:16/John 9:35-38/Acts 13:32-33/Rom. 8:32/1 John 4:9,14-15/ Equal to God the Father: John 5:17-19,21,23/John 10:30/John 14: 9-11/John 17:10-11,21-22/ True God: Is. 9:6/Matt. 1:20-23/John 1:1-3,10/John 8:25,57-58/ John 20:28-29/Col. 1:15-17/ True Man: Matt. 1:21-25/Luke 2:6-7/John 1:16/Gal. 4:4-5/ Redeemer of the world: Is. 53:4-6,10-12/ Matt. 20:28/Matt. 26:28/ John 1:29/John 3:16-17/John 12:47/Rom. 3:23-25/1 Cor. 15:3/ Eph. 5:2/Col. 1:19-22/Titus 2:13-14/1 Peter 1:18-19/1 John 4:14/ Died for all men: John 3:16-17/Rom. 5:18/2 Cor. 5:14-15/1 Tim. 2: 3-6/1 Tim. 4:10/Heb. 2:9/1 John 2:1-2/ Died even for those who were damned: Rom. 14:15/1 Cor. 8:10-11/ CHURCH- Instituted by Christ: Matt. 16:18-19/Matt. 28:18-20/Mark 16: 15-16/John 21:15-17/Eph. 1:22-23/Eph. 4:11-12/ Is of God: Acts 20:28/1 Cor. 11:22/1 Tim. 3:15/ Unity of: John 10:16/John 11:51-52/John 17:11,20-21/Rom. 12:4-5/ 1 Cor. 10:17/1 Cor. 12:12-13,20,27/Eph. 2:19-22/Eph. 4:4-5/Col. 3: 15/ Holiness of (in its Founder and Head, Christ): Eph. 1:22-23/Eph. 2: 19-22/Col. 1:18/ (in its doctrine): Matt. 28:19-20 (declared): Eph. 5:25-27 Catholicity of: (prophesied in OT): Ps. 2:8/Ps. 21:28/Ps. 71:8,10- 11/Is. 2:2-3/Dan. 2:34-36,44/Zach. 9:9-10/Malach. 1:11/ (prophesied by Christ): Matt. 24:14/Mark 13:10/Luke 13:28-29/ Luke 24:46-47/ (declared): Rom. 10:17-18/Col. 1:23/ Apostolicity of: