Join the quiet revolution; educational options available
By Jane Anderson
It’s a miracle that parents aren’t the ones taking guns to school. In inner cities, they pray their children will come home without a knife or bullet wound -- or dead. Elsewhere, they have to live with the consequences of children who can’t read or write but have been brainwashed into believing values are "old-fashioned."
The educational establishment is spared a revolution only because parents are busy earning a living. Schools make good babysitters.
There IS a quiet revolution going on – homeschooling. There are about 2 million children being homeschooled today, according to estimates published by Michael Farris, founder of the Home School Legal Defense Association. This is about the number of children going to public school in the state of New Jersey – so it’s no drop in the bucket. But homeschooling isn’t for everyone.
A recent article in the San Jose Mercury News showed that parents are turning to parochial schools – for their children’s safety and for academics. The waiting lists are keeping these schools solvent – and also making them increasingly secular. The teachers at Catholic schools in this diocese, for example, are more likely to be teaching about the sin of killing dolphins than pre-born babies. The children graduating from these schools will use contraception, procure abortions, get divorced, commit suicide, etc. at the same rate – or higher – than children who graduate from public institutions.
This is not what Catholic parents pay for.
Homeschooling is not the only alternative. Independent, parochial schools are growing. Concerned parents organize and run them outside the auspices of the diocese but under the spiritual advice of an orthodox Catholic pastor or board.
The National Association of Private Catholic* and Independent Schools (NAPC*IS) is the first organization dedicated to supporting lay-run schools that stand for a real renewal of Catholic education in America. President of the board of trustees is Francis Crotty (no relation to the publisher of the View), who also runs Kolbe Academy School and the very successful Kolbe Academy Home School out of Napa, Calif. The association was founded in 1995 by four independent schools. Now the number of members is 16, but others benefit. A newsletter gives practical help and encouragement for starting and maintaining a Catholic school. The newsletter reaches 615 prospective administrators and teachers. Also 200 NAPC*IS packets have been sent to schools seeking assistance. These packets contain solid directions for keeping schools faithfully Catholic and scholastically reliable.
NAPC*IS has helped 50 loyal Catholic teachers seek jobs in schools that promote and defend the Catholic faith. And dozens of parents have received the NAPC*IS directory of schools. (Donors of $50 or more get a free directory).
NAPC*IS can be contacted at 2640 Third Ave., Sacramento, CA 95818-3209, Tel. (916) 451-4963 FAX: (916) 455-6617.
Parents who need proof of the crisis in parochial education can consult the "Teen Talk" column in the June 23 issue of the Valley Catholic. In this column, 100 Catholic teenagers were asked their opinion of condom dispensers in 7-Eleven-type markets and public restrooms to promote so-called "safe sex." In the replies, 85% said they would use the condoms, 76% said they approve of their ready availability and 78% said the condom machines would not be offensive.
Something has gone awry here. The Universal Catechism of the Catholic Church says that sex is reserved for marriage and that the conjugal act is characterized by its twofold purpose: unitive and procreative. "Every action which, whether in anticipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossible is intrinsically evil" (No. 2370).
The bottom line is that parents have to stop being timid about demanding what they pay for: a good Catholic education. If the school doesn’t measure up, don’t support it – with your presence or your dollars. Find an alternative.
Wishful thinking won’t make the situation better. Get in there and fight – for the Church and for your child.
McGrath named San Jose diocese
There’s a new bishop coming to the Diocese of San Jose: San Francisco Auxiliary Bishop Patrick J. McGrath (pronounced Mc-Graw).McGrath, 53, will serve as "coadjutor bishop" with San Jose Bishop Pierre DuMaine until DuMaine, 66, decides to step down officially.
Sources in San Francisco predicted that the Vatican would soon name San Francisco Bishop William Levada a cardinal and that Bishop John Cummins of Oakland may be the next to retire.
McGrath was born in Ireland and ordained in 1970. He has worked for 28 years in the Diocese of San Francisco, part of that time while San Jose parishes were still part of the San Francisco Diocese. He has served as priest, pastor, canonist and administrator.
View From the Pew sources said McGrath is more liberal than conservative and very loyal to his superiors. Currently residing at St. Brendan’s Church in San Francisco, he was used rather unfairly by Archbishop John Quinn in the sudden closing of 11 churches in that city.
The View sources said, McGrath is probably a better administrator than DuMaine. He is heavy-set and outgoing – a typical Irishman with the gift of story-telling.
DuMaine apparently petitioned the Vatican for the appointment.
Archbishop William Levada of San Francisco is starting his own newspaper.Levada, spiritual leader of Roman Catholics in San Francisco, Marin and San Mateo counties, announced he is starting a free newspaper to be mailed to registered Catholic families in his flock. The announcement, the latest in a series of communications shakeups in the archdiocese, comes 15 years after Levada’s predecessor, Archbishop John Quinn, folded the 125-year-old Catholic Monitor.
Levada also announced the archdiocese will join forces with the diocese of Sacramento and the Diocese of Oakland to help fund and distribute El Heraldo Catolico, a monthly Spanish-language newspaper, and insert local Catholic news in that publication.
Those close to Levada said he’s been itching to start a weekly paper since he left the Archdiocese of Portland, Ore., and came to San Francisco in 1995. "After he left Portland, he was lamenting the absence of a Catholic paper in San Francisco," said Robert Pfohman, who worked under Levada as editor of the Catholic Sentinel in Oregon. "It was like losing his voice."
Over the last five years, Church spokesmen have been kept on the defensive by public outcries over the closing of a dozen San Francisco parishes, and by a child sex abuse and embezzlement scandal involving two priests.
"There has been a lot of news in the archdiocese in recent years," Roberta Ward, editor of the Valley Catholic, the monthly newspaper of the Diocese of San Jose, told reporters. "There are times when I’m sure they wished they had their newspaper."
Parents can't know these days when they are risking their children's physical and spiritual health at popular entertainments.
What could be more wholesome than "Celebrities on Ice," for example? This show, sponsored by the wholesome Campbell Soup Co., came to San Jose Arena on June 27. The 2 p.m. show was packed with children. They were subjected to ear-splitting, boom-box-type music that literally shook the rafters. The light show was relentless and sickening to migraine or epilepsy sufferers. And some of the performers capped it all off with R-rated treats: crotch-grabbing, humping and at least one "dance" that seemed to be simulated intercourse-on-ice.
The audience appeared to eat it up. So who is the villain here?
If you believe
in the Real Presence, act accordingly
This appeared in a recent letterto parishioners ofSt. Thomas of Canterbury Parish in Chicagofrom their pastor, Fr. Simon.
If we don’t believe in the Real Presence, we might as well close the Church and rent out the space. I believe that much of the liturgical experiment that began 30 years ago has failed. We are not holier, nor more Christ-centered than we were then. In fact, we are facing a generation of young people who are largely lost to the Church because we have not given them the precious gift that is at the heart of Catholicism, that is, the Real Presence of Jesus. Mass has become simply a drama, a vehicle for whatever agenda is currently popular. The church building is no longer a place of encounter with the Lord but a sort of a social center, not a place of prayer, rather a place of chatter.
In many churches, including our own, the tabernacle was moved from the center of the Church to add emphasis to the Mass and the presence of the Lord in the reception of Holy Communion. The experiment, however, has failed. We have lost the sense of the sacred that formerly was the hallmark of Catholic worship. The behavior of many in the church is outrageous. When Mass is over, it is impossible to spend time in prayer. The noise level reaches a pitch that one would expect at a sporting event. The kiss of peace seems like New Year’s Eve. Christ is forgotten on the altar. You may counter that He is present in the gathering of the Church, and though this is true, it should not detract from the Lord present on the altar. If the Lord is truly recognized in the congregation, it should serve to enhance the sacredness of the moment.
This is simply not happening. The sign of peace in most churches has all the sacredness of an Elks’s convention – no offense to the Elks.
We are teaching our children by what we do and the way we are behaving that there is nothing special about that little white round thing. It’s just a piece of bread. Usually wedding photographers set up their equipment right in front of the tabernacle and I have to ask them to move. They have no idea what that little box is for. Worse still, I remember walking into church one afternoon to find some of the men of the parish smoking and drinking beer directly in front of the tabernacle as they worked on some liturgical project or other. After Mass on Sunday, the church is littered with cigarette butts, gum wrappers, the refuse of snacks, broken toys brought to entertain unruly children, and all manner of filth.
Therefore, I have decided to restore the tabernacle to its former place in the middle of the sanctuary and to begin a campaign of re-education as to the sacredness of worship and the meaning of the Real Presence. This means that I will nag and nag until a sense of the sacred is restored I will be reminding you that a respectful quiet will have to be maintained in church. Food and toys and socializing are welcome elsewhere, but the church is the place for the encounter with the Living God it will not be a popular policy, but that is unimportant.
Let me know what you think. I can hear one objection already: Where will the priest sit? I will sit where the priest has traditionally sat, on the side of the sanctuary. Here, as in many churches, the presider’s chair was placed where the tabernacle has been. I am sick of sitting on the throne that should belong to the Lord. The dethronement of the Blessed Sacrament has resulted in the enthronement of the clergy, and I for one am sick of it. The Mass has become priest-centered. The celebrant is everything. I am a sinner saved by grace as you are and not the center of the Eucharist. Let me resume my rightful place before the Lord.
Please, please let me return Christ to the center of our life together where He belongs.Contributed by Joe Wallas printed in Domus
July and August are the
months reserved
for devotions of The Precious
July and August are the months reserved for devotions of The Precious Blood of Jesus and The Most Pure Heart of Mary. The special virtue for July is Faith, for August: Diligence.According to ancient tradition, the precious stones assigned to these months are the ruby (for success and devotion to duty) and sardonyx (for felicity and conformity to the Will of God).
"Thou has made us for Thyself, O Lord! And our heart is restless until it rests in Thee."– St. Augustine
+ Letters to the Editor +
Fessio replies to View’s view
Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J., editor of Ignatius Press has been called "one of the most influential Catholics in the United States." He wrote this letter to View from the Pew in response to an "Another View" article.Dear Editor:
Your May/June 1998 issue carried an article by Art Brew about the many encouraging signs of hope I see in the Catholic Church in this country. Among the signs mentioned were lay-organized Catholic conferences, Mother Angelica’s Eternal Word Television Network, new orthodox Catholic colleges, Catholic homeschooling, the pro-life movement and many new Catholic magazines and organizations. Also included were many new lay-operated Catholic newspapers and bulletins such as View from the Pew.
The unsigned commentary following the article lamented that "most of these hopeful signs are outside the Church." It referred to these developments as "orthodox lay groups working outside the Church," and said that "even Mother Angelica’s TV evangelization is outside the Church," and referred to "[people] who continue to operate outside of the sphere of the Catholic Church."
Appparently the commentator equates the Catholic Church with the diocesan chancery office and the parish school. A Catholic homeschool is just as much a Catholic school as the parish school – and often more so! A lay run Catholic magazine is just as Catholic as a diocesan newspaper – and sometimes more so. The hierarchy and its institutions are surely central to the Catholic Church. But they exist for the sake of the faithful who, with the hierarchy, are the Church.
By the commentator’s implied definition, there was no Catholic Church for the first three or four centuries after Christ.
I certainly hope you do not regard View from the Pew as "outside the Catholic Church." I certainly do not.Sincerely in Christ,Joseph D. Fessio, S.J.Editor, Ignatius Press
Editor’s reply:
Many thanks to Fr. Fessio for his comments –
favorable and corrective. We did not intend the expression "outside the Church"
to mean outside Catholicism, simply outside "the management," where most of the
power lies. We look forward to the day when the hierarchy of the Church "reforms
the reform" and we can fade quietly into the pews from whence we
I came across your latest on-line edition (May/June 1998), and read the installment of "Another View" entitled "Yeah, but is it a train?" The author laments that they would protect it from the ravages of those who, we are led to believe, are on the "inside."
It would help to understand what we mean when we say "the Church." It is not a social or political organization, but a mystical reality, a communion of souls on their way to Heaven. Those who believe in the Truth, who are united with the Successor to Peter and those bishops in union with him, may not be on the payroll of the ecclesiastical infrastructure, but that does not put them "outside the Church." On the contrary, by the grace of God and in the eyes of Heaven, they are very much on the inside, fulfilling their vocation wherever they are. Better to do so at home teaching Catechism to their children, or opening a spare room to a young girl with an unexpected pregnancy, than spinning their wheels at some parish committee meeting (the current definition of "ministry" these days, it seems).
In the fourth century, it was the "outsiders," the laity, who resisted Arianism, after most of the "insiders," the hierarchy, crumbled. Francis of Assisi was a long way from the reenumeration of the church when he founded his little band of brothers. His success was despite himself, and he bore his personal trials, including banishment from his own order, until his death. Catherine of Siena was not a nun, let alone a "pastoral associate," but a Third Order Dominican, when her stern letters to the Pope, in exile at Avignon, were the bane of a curial bureaucrat’s existence. Definitely on the outside looking in.
Closer to the present day, Mother Angelica may look like pretty hot stuff now, but she started in a garage, with no prior experience in television. The recent miraculous healing of her back would hardly have been the first miracle associated with her. It is no less a miracle that Father Fessio has been such a success with Ignatius Press, that he has to date evaded the wrath of the Jesuit status-quo.
We view the history of reform in the Church
through the benefit of hindsight. The independent "samizdat" Catholics of today,
while armed with the spirit of humility, have the opportunity to suffer for
their Faith, and by electronic means, to spread it around the world, one step
ahead of their enemies. We never had to risk our very lives, as has been done
before – a small price to pay for what Saint Paul referred to as the "merited
crown" that awaits them. Hang in there, guys. It ain’t over till it’s
over!David L. Alexander,Arlington, VA
On May 7th our diocese held a Red Mass for the Inland Empire Catholic Attorneys. The guest homilist was Fr. Drinan, former congressman, Jesuit, dean of Georgetown Law School. As a congressman he voted for funding for partial-birth abortion.
How sad that our diocese would welcome such a representative. If it weren’t so sad, it would be funny. The church where this "gala" (Mass) took place is headed by the pastor who is the Riverside head of pro-life. He claimed his homily would be "orthodox.
Several years ago when Joan Osborne was singing if "God were one of us, just a slob like one of us . . " the same pastor used the song for his youth homily. He didn’t do his homework, since Osborne advertises for Planned Parenthood, Rock for Choice, etc., on her CD jackets.
Please keep us in your prayers . . . we need
all the prayerful support we can get! Through Mary to Jesus,T.S.,U C,
Could you please send information or better yet a copy of your View from the Pew? We have a terrible problem in our parish plus another parish a small distance away. Two so-called priests would do better driving a dump truck than they do saying Mass!!
Everything is going berserk; our young Catholics are never going to know anything. We heard "community" mentioned 17 times at one Mass.
We need to know what is going on in other places and how we can start writing letters to our parish members. People have no reverence at the Consecration any more, no adoration as we used to have.J. R. McNeer,Newton, I
I pray that more of our beloved priests would have the courage to lovingly instruct the faithful that: 1) the Church is God’s dwelling place and therefore deserves the reverence and silence of parishioners; 2) remind the faithful that gum, food and drinks and talking are not permitted in Church; 3) remind the faithful that we should be dressed modestly. This includes no short, mini-skirts, tight-fitting clothing, jeans, etc. (Our Blessed Mother said at Fatima that many styles would be introduced that would be offensive to God.); 4) remind the faithful the importance of coming to Mass on time, participating at the Mass and staying for the whole Mass. The faithful should be encouraged, when possible, to remain in silence for private adoration for a minimum of 15 minutes while our Lord is still the guest of our soul; 5) remind (teach) the faithful to genuflect while passing in front of the tabernacle.
If I have overlooked anything, please feel free to add it to the list.
One who loves the Church
I only recently discovered the on-line edition of View from the Pew (May/June, 1998) while browsing through the Catholic Goldmine website, and I wanted you to let you how eye-opening it has been for me. Now I understand why most of the Masses I’ve attended here in San Jose just haven’t felt "right" to me. I’ve only very recently returned to the faith as a result of watching EWTN, and after reading your publication, I could immediately see how much you admire this great network. Like I always say, anyone who’s a friend of Mother Angelica is a friend of mine!
Anyway, I had a question about Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel that
you mentioned in the View’s most current issue. It was mentioned that the priest
who offers the Tridentine Masses there is not under the jurisdiction of the San
Jose Diocese. I would love to attend his Masses, but I was wondering if my
Sunday obligation would be fulfilled since the chapel isn’t in communion with
the diocese. Does that also mean it’s not in communion with Rome? I’ve heard
about some independent churches offering the Tridentine Mass run by priests
belonging to schismatic groups such as SSPX or SSPV, and I understand that it is
forbidden to attend such Masses. Is Father Ottonello under the jurisdiction of a
specific diocese, or a society approved by the Holy See? I know the Society of
St.. Peter is approved by the Pope, but I don’t know of any others.
Lila Lynne-mail
Editor’s reply:
The short answer to your question is that these masses are indeed in union with Rome.There is no new theology or doctrine being taught by Fr. Ottonello. He holds to "the same sense and same meaning" of Catholic doctrine that has always been taught by the church.
We recently obtained information on this subject from the Latin Mass Society in Sacramento. Included is a letter from the Congregation (for bishops) regarding Mass attendance at SSPX (Pius X Church). It seems to say that you can fulfill your Sunday obligation by attending even their Masses – but the letter does express reservations, such as developing a mindset that there are two Churches.
Also, we think most folks recognize that the chapel situation is temporary, until order is restored in the American Church. You are correct in having reservations; the local bishop should control his own diocese – but what do you do when he himself seems to have trouble controlling his parishes?
Read through the View archives: When you are finished, you will have a good understanding of the situation in the diocese of San Jose.
Finally, we would like to recommend Our Lady of Peace Church in Santa
Clara. It does not have the Latin Mass (except for the first Saturday 7:30 p.m.)
but devotion there is strong. Assumption of Mary Church in Willow Glen also
offers an orthodox Mass at 9 a.m. in English.
I just finished pursuing the on-line back issues of View from the Pew, and enjoyed them all. I never realized that our diocese was in such bad shape!! It’s really a shame, but at least now I know why Our Lady of Peace Church is always packed every Sunday, so much so that sometimes I can’t even find a parking place, let alone a place to sit once I’m inside. When no other churches celebrate the Mass reverently or offer traditional devotions such as Divine Mercy Sunday, I guess the few that do would tend to be overcrowded.
Anyway, I love going to Mass there, I’m a regular buyer at their gift shop, but only wish the (traditional) Latin Mass were held more than once a month.
At the end of this year I’ll be moving into the diocese of Birmingham, Ala., where I hope to someday get an entry level job at EWTN. However, even if I never do get to work there, at least I’ll be able to attend daily Mass at Mother Angelica’s chapel where I know without any shadow of a doubt that I’ll be at a Novus Ordo Mass that’s being correctly celebrated.
I just felt this inner calling months ago that made me realize I just had to be there. I also understand the diocese there has more indult Latin Masses than they do here, which surprised me considering how there are relatively few Catholics in Alabama. I have friends there who say that the few Catholics who do live there are a lot more orthodox than in many places here in California, and their churches tend to reflect that. Again that surprised me considering how California is supposed to be such a "Catholic" state.I wonder how things turned out that way?
Unnamed e-mail
I thank you for the wonderful wonderful, newsletter, and I pray you continue your great faith. I appreciate any prayers, please.
Friends of St. Maria Goretti is a non-profit corporation under the Archdiocese of New York and promotes the life and legacy of St. Maria Goretti, particularly her virtues of chastity and forgiveness. We distribute leaflets and have produced videos and TV and radio talk shows. We have annual pilgrimages to W. Haverstraw, N.Y. We planthe Jubilee 2000 SMG pilgrimage.
We are a small group and need many prayers.
God bless you all. St. Maria Goreti, pray for
us. Jesus through Mary.Bro. Goretti Zilli,Maryknoll, N.Y.
The ultimate convert
Norma McCorvey, head of Roe No More Ministries and the former pro-abortion plaintiff in the 1973 landmark Supreme Court case, "Roe vs. Wade," has announced in Dallas, Tex., that she had decided to become a Roman Catholic.
McCorvey said: "After many months of prayer,
and many worried nights, I am making the joyous announcement that I have decided
to join the Mother Church of Christianity – by which I, of course, mean the
Roman Catholic Church . . . I will begin classes in Catholicism this July . .
."McCorvey said the Pope is being informed of her decision.
On the last Saturday of each month after an 8 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of Peace Church in Santa Clara, some 50 men, women, and children assemble near a Sunnyvale Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. They quietly recite 15 decades of the Rosary and sing an equal number of sacred hymns for the unborn. They watch sadly as young women enter the "health" clinic to end the lives of their innocent children. Planned Parenthood security guards stand outside to ensure that their clients are prevented from talking to pro-life counselors, but some of the women manage to take the literature.
Fr. John Sweeny, Our Lady of Peace pastor,
leads the Rosary on the East Evelyn Ave. sidewalk and, at the end of the
one-hour vigil, thanks everyone for coming and urges them to continue their
Sex-ed in a brown bag
His Holiness Bishop Daniel Wuerl of Pittsburgh, Pa. has mandated his sex education program Catholic Vision of Love (CVOL) to become the curriculum for diocesan schools. The program includes In God’s Image video by sex educator Patricia Miller. The video consists of explicit materials and acceptance of homosexuality.
CVOL joins a growing list on the porno thought patrol:Sharing the Christian Message, which has students come up with as many slang words as possible for penis and vagina in three or four minutes;
Sex and the Teenager, which teaches feelings and personal choice while students make a list of their personal commandments, and homosexuality "may" be "admissible with one committed partner;"
And AIDS: Understanding and Prevention is a
series that provides explicit information on anal, vaginal, and oral
intercourse, complete with video on the use of condoms.
Where would you place this: Bright View, Dim View or View in flux?The body representing most of the world’s 61 million Lutherans has approved a joint declaration to end a 400-year doctrinal dispute with the Vatican over the Reformation.
Lutheran officials in Geneva said the declaration would mend the split between Protestant, and Roman Catholics but was still being studied by theologians at the Vatican.
Lutheranism, derived from the teaching of Martin Luther, the father of church schism, is a branch of Protestantism and the major religion of many Northern countries, including Germany, Sweden and Denmark.
The ‘Joint Declaration’ would end 400 years of condemnations on the principal doctrinal dispute that salvation is a gift from God through grace, not something humans earn through good works plus faith.
By and For Santa Clara
Publisher - Marc S.
Editor - Jane
Contributing Editor -
Art Brew
Web site:
View from the Pew is published by an association of Catholic laity in the Diocese of San Jose, CA. Suggested donation is $15. Any donation gladly accepted but is not tax deductible. For all inquiries, and Letters to the Editor, please write to: Box 700084, San Jose, CA 95170-0084 e-mail: or fax us at (408) 362-0277.©1998 View from athe Pew – Articles may be copied, provided due credit is given to VFTP.
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