Vol 4 No. 5- Dedicated to St. Joseph By & For
Santa Clara Valley Catholics Sept/Oct, 1997
Publisher - Marc
Why are so many
dioceses committing spiritual suicide?
Goodbye to St.
Ann’s Chapel?
. . .
Come oooon down!
Letters to the
Good Humor
Litanies of Saint
The alternative Catholic press
There is a growing tremor in the Church, and it is called the
"samizdat" or underground Catholic press. Faint at first, the rumble is
starting to be heard. Bishop Donald Troutman of Erie, Pa., recently issued
a directive to reverse the backlash to conservative normalcy in the
Church. Cardinal Roger Mahony in Los Angeles is formulating some frantic
guidelines on how to continue the post-Vatican II "renewal." But people in
the pew, starved for priestly direction and spiritual food, are continuing
to turn off to trendy innovations. They are fighting back, and the
alternative press is part of that fight.Samizdat (from the Russian word
for "underground") publishers are hoping the tremor grows into a major
quake that will topple the modernist edifice, leaving Catholic Tradition
intact. There are three alternative Catholic publications in Santa Clara
County: View from the Pew, The Hammer and the new kid on the block, The
California Mission. In addition, The Faith has begun publication in San
Francisco and intends Bay Area-wide distribution.
In the Oakland Diocese, the Roman Catholic Witness holds forth. And in
the Monterey Diocese, the traditionalist publication Domus keeps orthodoxy
alive. The "dean" of alternative Catholic publishing in Santa Clara County
is Art Brew, who began View from the Pew in 1993 with a small committee of
angry folks from St. Simon's Church in Los Altos. St. Simon's was going
through some modernist "revisions" like relocating the tabernacle, getting
rid of the altar rails, hanging banners, reconfiguring the pews and altar
– the usual drill. Brew called a meeting of parishioners in opposition to
the plans and was surprised when 50 people showed up. The result was a
fund drive that fell short, leaving the church intact – but a sizable
number of parishioners departed St. Simon's for more orthodox parishes
like Our Lady of Peace in Santa Clara." As a result of this experience,
about 10 of us decided to put out our own underground newsletter to better
publicize our views on this and related matters. Jim Holman, a businessman
from San Diego who supports several other, similar publications, including
the new The Faith, started sending cash – a practice he has continued even
though Brew has "retired" from publishing. "The biggest surprise," Brew
said, "was the large number of enthusiastic letters from throughout the
diocese and elsewhere and the number of clones started up in other parts
of the country by groups inspired by the View, four or five that we know
Like the View, the other alternative publications are dedicated to
affirming and defending Catholic doctrine, the Pope and the Magisterium.
They want to stop the desecration of Catholic churches, both physically
and spiritually. And they want to rebuild the Church in the United States,
which has seen the number of seminarians drop 85 percent, the number of
nuns drop 43 percent, the number of baptisms and converts drop 20 percent
and the number who attend Mass drop 25 percent in the last 30 years.
View from the Pew was the first alternative paper in the diocese. Now
published bi-monthly by Marc Crotty, it is going into its fifth year. It
now has its own Web site (http://www.hooked.net/users/racox/view.htm)
where issues published over the last two years have been archived. The
number of copies distributed varies according to the strategy adopted for
particular issues, according to Crotty. For example, if a school problem
is highlighted, additional copies will be printed for direct mailing to
the parents affected. "The paid subscriber list is the mainstay of our
distribution," Crotty said. "We depend on those $10 checks to meet our
expenses. We also have several dozen supporters who distribute at selected
parishes. And we provide free subscriptions to priests or religious who
request them." The View’s principal "angel" is still Jim Holman of San
Diego, but other angels do their good deeds, too. The printer and Web site
operator charge only their costs, and everyone else – writers, handlers
and distributors – operate without compensation."We want to influence the
bishop and diocese through our reporting," Crotty said. For example, when
the View finds that immoral reading material is being assigned to Catholic
school students – as reported in the May/June 1997 issue
– we expect to have the material removed and the teacher corrected."Sadly,
the result has not been forthcoming. But Crotty and his workers hope to
see that change."From the minutes of meetings of the ‘priests’ council,’
we know that the View has been seen and the bishop is taking a position of
silence toward it. He and most pastors basically will not comment on any
issue reported on in the View. Basically, they will not talk to us.
Apparently they are not ready to ‘dialogue’ with conservative
Catholics."Crotty foresees a grim future for the Church if "feminists and
career lackeys" continue in their present apostolic roles. "We are here to
help prevent that. Please pray that we – and others like us – will
succeed."(To subscribe to the View, send $10 to View from the Pew, Box
700084, San Jose, CA, 95170-0084).
The Hammer is a hard-hitting, one-man operation run by Anthony
Gonzales, a former seminarian with multiple theology degrees, out of Los
Gatos. He has been publishing since January 1995 about every five weeks
and pays for his efforts with $18-a-year subscriptions and donations. The
newsletter is dedicated to "explaining why the Church teaches what it
teaches and to show the difference between Roman Catholic teachings and
modernist lies."Gonzales intends to stay with this mission even though he
believes "we need Divine Intervention to restore the Church to its
intended purpose. We need people to stand up and refuse to allow modernist
priests and feminist nuns to continue molding the Church into their own
image. We need people to stop giving money or support to those who are
"pseudo-Catholics." (For a subscription to The Hammer, send $18 to Roman
Catholic Replies, 15732 Los Gatos Blvd., #303, Los Gatos, CA, 95032).
The California Mission is a new magazine-format publication begun in
June 1997. The goal of the magazine is to foster the "new evangelization"
that will precede the "great springtime for Christianity" proclaimed by
Pope John Paul II. Published by the Mission San Jose Community, Inc. and
edited by Craig Anderson, the magazine promises "to write on themes the
Pope has arranged over a three-year period to renew the Church’s faith for
the celebration of the great Jubilee in the year 2000." The magazine
contains prayers, testimonials and learned articles on saints and
theological topics. Anderson writes: "Although some of the material is not
light, easy reading, it covers issues that are enormously important for
Catholics." In the August issue, for example, the magazine takes up the
issue of the authority of the Bible in Catholic tradition and its
necessary connection with the Magisterium of the Pope and bishops.(For a
subscription to The California Mission, send $16 – or $30 for two years –
to The California Mission, P.O. Box 24589, San Jose, CA 95154).
Domus is published quarterly – with supplements if required by "loyal
Catholics actively pursuing their rights to a regular Tridentine Mass in
the Diocese of Monterey" as directed by the Pope in Ecclesia Dei. Domus
also has a Web site (http://webs.tcsn.net/ihs/domus/domus.htm)
and the hard copy is available by subscription and through handout at
parishes and groups. Costs are met through subscriptions and
contributions.Editors Joseph and Dena Suarez said the "original purpose
was to act as a networking mechanism for all Catholics in the Diocese of
Montereywhohad signed our Procurator’s Mandate petition to Rome for an
Indult Tridentine Mass. Since that time, however, we’ve grown in purpose
to expose clerical and liturgical abuse within the diocese, to inform
Catholics within the diocese of actions on a national or international
scale . . . and to give them solid, orthodox Catholic facts and
information that can strengthen their faith and knowledge," Dena Suarez
said.Like other publications of its type, Domus has not seen any changes
in the diocese. "Our bishop will have no dealings with us and dismisses us
as a "fringe" group. . . However, we have received notification on a
couple of occasions that we are having an effect on clergy. Some priests
have secretly begun subscribing, and their hearts appear to be opening
slowly."Domus intends to continue the good fight to preserve the
traditional Church. "Catholics everywhere are being continually challenged
by those who would ‘re-imagine’ the Church. If we want to have a Church
left in this country, we will have to fight back now. We can’t afford to
wait any longer," Suarez warned.(To subscribe to Domus, send $15 for one
year to IHS, P.O. Box 4002, Paso Robles, CA 93447-4002).
The Roman Catholic Witness circulates in the Diocese of Oakland and is
edited in Fremont by Paul Stephens, a pseudonym. The publication appears
bi-monthly and is supported by donations from readers. Its purpose is to
"communicate problems and concerns of the Catholic ‘laity’ in the Diocese
of Oakland, especially liturgical abuses."Witness hasn’t noticed any
changes in the diocese, but Stephens said: "We’ll find out (if we are
effective) in the next life. We must try!"An article on the homosexual
agenda produced the biggest reaction from readers, and the Witness intends
to continue exposing abuses and educating Catholics."We are confident that
a genuine reform will be underway by the millennium," Stephens said of the
future. "The modernist AmChurch has no appeal!"Stephens suggested that the
underground press could affect the future more if editors formed a
national association. "With one voice – and unified – we’ll have more
influence with the institutional Church."(For a subscription to Roman
Catholic Witness, send a donation to Roman Catholic Witness, P.O. Box
14026, Fremont, CA 94539-9992.)
The Faith is published by Jim Holman and edited by George Neumayr in
San Francisco. It has been publishing since May and appears once a month,
except in August. The paper distributes through U.S. Mail and intends to
reach a circulation of 20,000 throughout the Bay Area. It takes a newsy
approach and makes its point with the selection of articles, rather than
its tone.But its purpose is still "to promote the orthodox teachings of
the Catholic church," according to Neumayr. "I think we will see orthodoxy
spread and zany, failed liberalism diminish," he added.Neumayr said it was
too early to tell if the paper is having an impact, but that will be its
goal.(To subscribe to The Faith, send inquiries to The Faith, P.O. Box
26209, S.F., CA 94126-6209, or leave message on voicemail at (415)
There are many national publications dedicated to traditional Catholic
teaching: Crisis Magazine, First Things, the Oxford Review, the Wanderer,
The Remnant, Fidelity, Sursum Corda, Lay Witness, Catholic Family News,
Adoremus Bulletin, and others.Two California publications of particular
interest are the Los Angeles Lay Catholic Mission and San Diego News
Notes. For subscription information about any of these publications,
contact View from the Pew at (408) 923-4367.Alternative publications and
the more successful conservative magazines subscribe to the central idea
that Christ Himself established the Church. They generally follow the
notion that churches built in the shape of a cross are spiritually
accurate: Christ died on a cross – not a wheel – for our sakes. They
support kneeling at the consecration: If it was good enough for Christ at
Gethsemane, it’s good enough for us. They insist on a posture of respect
and spirituality in Church, including kneelers, altar rails, and statuary
representing Church heroes, the saints. And they adamantly support the
Pope as the Vicar of Christ."A national organization of samizdat
publishers (to push this agenda) is a great idea," the View’s Art Brew
said. "I think we should keep at it until there is no longer a de facto
schism in the American Church. It may take years to effect any real
changes in the Church, but we shouldn’t give up. It is critical that we
try to educate the people in the pews."Please support your local
Small newspapers do what The Valley Catholic has
failed to do
One of the reasons alternative Catholic publications spring up is
that alternative Catholic editors think diocesan publications aren’t
doing their job. What about The Valley
Catholic, the San Jose Diocese’s newspaper?
There are five alternative publications in the Bay Area: View from
the Pew in San Jose/Santa Clara, The Hammer in Los Gatos, Roman Catholic
Witness in Fremont, The Faith circulating in the whole Bay Area and
Domus in Monterey. This tells us something. The Valley Catholic reads
like propaganda for the New Age church. It offers little that is
spiritual. Indeed, it offers little that is Catholic. Only one
columnist, Fr. Gerald D. Coleman, president of St. Patrick’s seminary,
gives bona fide Catholic information that shoots from the hip, that is
from the Magisterium. The other columnists, for example, Sr. Patricia
Marie Mulpeters and Ann Grycz, write about "this and that" and how "We
Are Church." The ‘family talk’ column by Dr. James and Mary Kenny out of
St. Joseph College in Renssalear, Ind., is just a sop to secular
thinking – high-toned potty training. There are other places to read
about that dubious stuff.
There are some trendy articles and causes – like AIDS, the homeless,
Common Ground, RENEW, but virtually nothing that relates to the moral
and spiritual conduct of an individual’s life in the Church. Of course,
talking about morals or novenas would be pushing it. The Valley Catholic
is about how nice we are, how good we’re doing, how modern and
forward-thinking, how community-oriented. It’s not about what it takes
to be good or get to Heaven.The Valley Catholic tries to be a
smily-faced, house organ, filled with pats on the back for individuals
and groups who serve their parishes. Some of this is appropriate; people
do like to get those thank-you’s in print. But it is important to feed
their faith, too. Where are the articles that support how to be chaste,
how to follow Church teachings on contraception, why following your
conscience is WRONG if conscience acts in opposition to Truth, why women
can’t be priests, why gays can’t partake of the Sacrament of Marriage?At
this point, the Valley Catholic people will throw their hands up and
accuse us of not being able to read. Didn’t Fr. Coleman just do a series
of four articles on why gays can’t marry? Yes. We already said that
Coleman is the oasis in the desert. The rest of the paper supports all
the doo-dah stuff that negates these beliefs in practice. And this is a
place where actions speak louder than words.The Valley Catholic can’t
teach or be the spokesman for Catholic doctrine if it praises parish
"styles" and organizations that oppose or undermine the unvarnished
teachings of the Church.
& Book Review
Church etiquette has become
By Richard
ROME: One man slops a trail of holy water down the aisle as he
enters Church. Another stands during the consecration, hands in his
pockets. A few pews away, a portable telephone is starting to ring.All
are examples of increasingly bad manners at Mass, according to a new
Italian booklet. It was written by an anonymous Dominican priest fed
up with rudeness among his Sunday congregation.The slim volume,
titled, "Even at Mass, Good Manners Don’t Hurt", has already provoked
discussion among Italian Catholics. The Italian Catholic newspaper
Avvenire added its own 14 commandments in a campaign against
discourtesy in Church. The author-priest says he’s seen it all:
arguments in front of the confessional over precedence; butting-in in
the communion line; late arrivals at Mass who march right to the front
pew; children who make paper airplanes out of prayer sheets; and young
women whose miniskirts get more attention than the altar.The Sign of
the Cross, the book says, should be dignified and complete, not a
quick "curlicue" and not embellished with the typical Italian kiss of
the fingers afterwards. Likewise, the crosses traced on the forehead,
lips and chest before the reading of the Gospel should not appear like
you’re "chasing away some imaginary insect from your face."
As a celebrant, the author finds it rude when certain faithful (who
tend to sit in the front pew) murmur the rosary during Mass, or worse,
recite all the Mass prayers in a loud voice."Do you think the priest
needs a prompter?" he asks. And speaking of Mass prayers, the
congregation should try to respond together. Some people act like Mass
is some kind of "TV quiz show" and want to be the first to blurt out
the answer, he says. Church is the Lord’s home, the author says, so
don’t dirty it. Avoid spilling wax all over the place when lighting
candles. Please don’t leave flowers on the altar cloth (those
chlorophyll stains are tough to get out). And try not to leave puddles
around the holy-water font. Liturgically, good manners mean following
the priest’s lead, especially at crucial moments like the consecration
of bread and wine. When the celebrant holds the Host and chalice up,
it’s so the congregation will see it; instead, half the faithful hold
their heads down and look like they’re contemplating "the end of their
The book offers special advice to parents of small children.
Children belong in church, it says, but don’t bring them unless they
can reasonably be expected to behave. It’s OK to quiet a restless
youngster with a piece of candy, but not to let him roam the Church as
if it were a gymnasium. Parents of infants should bring a pacifier and
pick a seat near the door.The author advises parishioners who want to
make a cash donation after a special service, like a wedding or
baptism, to find a tactful way to do so and avoid sauntering into the
sacristy with the question: "How much do I owe you, Father?" Priests
also feel insulted when someone fails to stifle a big yawn during a
sermon. But when the yawns start spreading among the congregation,
it’s a sign that the homilist is being discourteously long-winded, the
book says.
Why are so many dioceses committing spiritual
By Bill
Basile - Special to View from the Pew
Most parents will smile a bit when they watch children happily
toppling a toy-block house or sand castle on the beach.But when these
children grow to adolescence and begin to take unusual joy in destroying
their own projects, there is a cause for concern. And when they take
pleasure in burning down office buildings, it is time for the police and
psychiatric community to step in. Could not the same be said about an
organization that has deliberately chosen to pursue its own demise? In
an article in the July 1 Rochester Democrat & Chronicle ("Catholics
Seek Stronger Mass") we learn that the Diocese of Rochester is "planning
. . . ways to cope with fewer priests." One might then wonder why
Catholics must "cope" with fewer priests and not simply try to get more
of them, but clearly, this is not what is desired. A brief statement
mentioned the expectations on the decreased number of priests:
"Diocesan projections forecast the number (of clergy) will dwindle
from about 180 currently to about 64 by the year 2025."
The guidelines by the diocese also assert that Catholics will need to
go to neighboring parishes if Mass is not available on Sunday in their
own parish. (With just 64 priests, the "neighboring parish" might be 50
miles a way.) This report raised more questions than answers: With only
64 priests serving over a half-million Catholics in the next 25 years,
the diocese will be reduced to a situation worse than that of the late
1800s, where Rochester (and most of the United States) was "mission
territory" with only a small number of clergy. During such times in the
past, it was common for ethnic groups to band together, build
neighborhood churches and invite their own clergy into the diocese. All
they had to do was show that they could provide for the clergy in
residence. With only 64 priests in Rochester, will the laity be
permitted to invite clergy into the diocese to care for their own (read:
Tridentine) parish life? Will orders like Opus Dei or the Fraternity of
St. Peter continue to be forbidden from serving the Rochester Diocese
merely because they are "too conservative?" If so, it would appear that
the Diocese of Rochester believes that it would be better for the
faithful to have no Mass at all, than have the Tridentine Mass
celebrated by a priest of the Fraternity of St. Peter, for example.
Other questions that remain unasked are why certain dioceses (like
Peoria, Ill., and Lincoln, Neb.,) do not not project a two-thirds
reduction in clergy but a continued increase? And why will priests from
these dioceses not be welcome in Rochester? (Hint: They are
Why did Archbishop Elden Curtis (Omaha) state that the vocations
shortage was "artificial and contrived?"Why do some of the women parish
administrators in Rochester state that they view their positions (as
pastors) as permanent?With most of the parishes in the diocese virtually
without Mass or the sacraments, will anyone in the Rochester hierarchy
finally admit that the so-called "renewal" begun with the New Mass has
been a disaster? Yes, any number of questions can be raised by all of
this. But perhaps these questions can wait. First, one must make sure
the child who is running about with a box of matches is put safely under
lock and key so he will no longer be a danger to himself or anyone else
– before the doctors probe the reasons for his behavior.
(Editor’s Note: An interesting fact about the Diocese of Rochester
is that Bishop Fulton J. Sheen was once assigned to this diocese after
his popular television show went off the air. At that time, the diocese
was filled with reverent Polish and Italian Catholics. The parish church
was the center of life; many of the old folks couldn’t even give
directions to other parts of the city: They were born, bred and married
in the shadow of their parish church. In 35 years, the devotional life
of these Catholics, once nurtured by Bishop Sheen himself, has eroded.
Only a wasteland remains.)
Goodbye to St. Ann’s Chapel?
Palo Alto Catholics are in an uproar over the proposed selling of St.
Ann’s Chapel and the adjoining Kathleen Norris house.The chapel hosts a
sung Mass every Sunday at 11 a.m., frequent vespers and spiritually
scrumptious musical presentations by William Mahrt, music historian at
Stanford University and director of the St. Ann’s Chapel Choir, which
performs Gregorian chant, motets and occasionally a polyphonic Mass. The
chapel was built by Claire Booth Luce as a memorial to her daughter, a
Stanford student who was killed in an automobile accident. Intercede for
us, St. Ann!
. . . Come oooon down!
Priests at St. Lucy’s in San Jose and Sacred Heart in Saratoga have
taken the ridiculous to a new goofy level with their invitation to young
and old to "come on down" to the altar for the Our Father. The practice
is bad enough when confined to small children. We have witnessed a
priest at St. Maria Goretti carry this exhibition of "community" to
extremes by holding a child while consecrating the Body and Blood.
Asking everyone to participate in this hoedown is ludicrous. The Body of
Christ should be handled and treated with the utmost respect and
formality. One and all should be able to see and sense the overwhelming
presence of Christ in the humble attitude of the priest as he offers the
Sacrifice. It should be no surprise that St. Lucy’s and Sacred Heart are
hotbeds of dissent over kneeling at the consecration, too. Parishioners
have been told that standing is the "proper" attitude but to be
"tolerant" of others. As a matter of fact, the National Conference of
Catholic Bishops ruled in Paragraph 21 of the General Instruction of the
Roman Missal in 1969 that Catholics in the United States are to kneel
during the Eucharistic prayer. No pastor or bishop has the right to do
his own thing.
J Bright Views J
It looks like they’re running
When Bishop Donald Trautman of Erie, Pa., recently
addressed the Notre Dame Pastoral Liturgy Conference, he issued a
strong warning. Catholic liturgists, he said, will have to "teach,
teach, teach" if they hope to counter a growing conservative movement
striking at the very heart of the liturgical renewal rooted in the
Second Vatican Council of the early 1960s.If unchecked, Trautman said,
conservatives would transform the liturgical renewal of the past three
decades into a "dinosaur."
L Dim views L
Dewey told it like it is
John Dewey, the founding father of "progressive"
education, was forthright and succinct when he said, "Children who
know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective
society which is coming." Now we know where it all started . .
* Letters to the
Editor *
Why so much exposure given to Catholic Women’s
Dear Editor:A comment I just wanted to make on
this issue (July/August) of the View: I am a little surprised you’d
give so much space to the (stupid) [Catholic Women’s Network]
conference held at Bellarmine.That kind of drivel, pseudo-religion and
pseudo-Christian feminism is just absurd and doesn’t deserve even
being acknowledged. (At least in my humble opinion, it is all a very
immature approach to religion, it is self-centered at best and
pantheistic at worst. It does not even deserved to be called
Catholic.)Wouldn’t it be nice if there were better programs for women
who had issues that they personally needed resolving?M. H., Los
Editor’s Reply: You are so right. They are
stupid. But many of the women in "high" places in the diocese are
sympathetic to CWN. We would like the bishop to notice their antics
and refuse them access to Church property.
Mirror, mirror on the wall who is most confused of
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I am a cradle
Catholic, cradled before Vatican II, burped by Renewal. Well, we
opened the windows to let in the fresh air, and it has been blowing
ill ever since. I am one of those Catholics who crawled over people in
the pews to leave Mass before I strangled somebody: Away from those
hand holders during the Our Father; the dancing Vestal Virgins,
balloon Masses (You could tell the Vestal Virgins from the balloons:
the balloons bobbed), or clown Masses that weren’t funny, Having found
a Church that has this crazy idea that Mass is about God, I’ve encased
myself there. But now I notice something I’m not particularly proud
of: I am guilty of pride. I find my attitude pontifical. I normally
don’t mind this, but something tells me it’s wrong. I have no patience
with liberals; consequently, I have no liberal friends. All my friends
think as I do, talk as I do, act as I do. They are the choir to whom I
preach. I pontificate about this or that issue, grinding my teeth over
neutered language, lack of support for Pro-Life from the diocese,
liturgical abuses, ad infinitum. And my choir sings in response.But I
find myself firing my harshest volleys at my conservative friends,
causes and publications. They are not conservative/traditional enough
for me. I am as paranoid and unbending as the liberals. And now I ask
myself: Is my faith so fragile, my belief so weak I break at the sound
of a word? I wonder what’s on the other side of the mirror, and I
think it’s a liberal Catholic. He and I are mirror opposites but just
alike. Right is left; left is right. But wrong is wrong. This is not
about us vs. them. It’s about God, and only about God. I hope I never
forget that. D. T. Anderson
Good Humor Department
Judas qualifies as team leader
Subject: Modern management theory & Jesus’ 12
MEMORANDUM TO: Jesus, Son of Joseph, Woodcrafters Shop,
FROM: Jordan Management Consultants,
SUBJECT: Staff Aptitude Evaluation
Thank you for submitting the resumes of the 12 men you
have picked for management positions in your new organization. All of
them have taken our battery of tests, and our psychologist and
vocational aptitude consultant have analyzed the findings.It is our
staff’s opinion that most of your nominees are lacking in background,
education and vocational aptitude for the type of enterprise you are
undertaking. They lack team concept. We would recommend that you
continue your search for persons of experience in managerial ability and
proven capability. Simon Peter is emotionally unstable and given to fits
of temper. Andrew has absolutely no qualities of leadership. The
brothers, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, place personal interest
above company loyalty. Thomas demonstrates a questioning attitude that
would tend to undermine morale. We feel that is our duty to tell you
that Matthew has been blacklisted by the Greater Jerusalem Better
Business Bureau. James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddeus have radical
leanings and registered high on the manic-depressive scale.One
candidate, however, shows great potential. He is a man of ability and
resourcefulness, meets people well, is trustworthy, has a keen business
mind, and has contacts in high places. He is highly motivated, ambitious
and innovative.We recommend Judas Iscariot as your controller and
right-hand man.
Litanies of Saint Joseph
Number One
(For public or private use.)
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on
us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ hear us. Christ, graciously
hear us. God the Father of Heaven,Have mercy on us. God the Son,
Redeemer of the world,Have mercy on us. God the Holy Spirit,Have
mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God,Have mercy on us. Holy Mary,
pray for us. Saint Joseph, pray for us. Illustrious son of David,
pray for us. Light of the the patriarchs, pray for us. Spouse of
the Mother of God, pray for us. Foster-father of the Son of God, pray
for us. Watchful defender of Christ, pray for us. Head of the Holy
Family, pray for us. Joseph most just, pray for us. Joseph most
chaste, pray for us. Joseph most prudent, pray for us. Joseph most
valiant, pray for us. Joseph most obedient, pray for us. Joseph
most faithful, pray for us. Mirror of patience, pray for us. Lover
of poverty, pray for us. Model of workmen, pray for us. Glory of
domestic life, pray for us. Guardian of virgins, pray for
us. Pillar of families, pray for us. Solace of the afflicted, pray
for us. Hope of the sick, pray for us. Patron of the dying, pray
for us. Terror of demons, pray for us. Protector of Holy Church,
pray for us. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,Spare
us, O Lord Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of
the world,Have mercy on us.
V. He made him the Lord of His household.
R. And prince over all His possessions.
Let Us Pray O God, Who in Thine ineffable providence
didst choose Blessed Joseph to be the spouse of Thy most Holy Mother,
grant that as we venerate him as our protector on earth, we may deserve
to have him as our intercessor in Heaven, Thou Who livest and reignest
forever and ever.