Vol 4 No. 4- Dedicated to St. Joseph By & For
Santa Clara Valley Catholics July / August,
Publisher - Marc
C Theatre Review D
’97 CWN: taste and
see more idiocy
Bishop’s mea
Why we can’t just annul annulment
With Sheila Rauch Kennedy, ex-wife of Massachusetts
Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II, making the rounds of talk shows, the Catholic
annulment process has becomes everyone’s favorite whipping
But the process has never won popularity
Patricia Bardon Cadigan explained her resentment in an
essay in The New York Times Magazine, on Aug. 21, 1994:
"Catholic marriage used to last forever, even beyond
the grave. Now, church officials actively encourage divorced Catholics
to seek annulments. In many cases, the person seeking the annulment
wants to remarry in the Church. In this country alone, tribunals
invalidate more than 60,000 marriages each year; the number is
increasing. Annulments are sought in the best of Catholic families: the
Kennedys, the Grimaldis, the Giulianis."
The real truth about annulment is that one cannot
understand the process or the concept if one does not understand the
Sacrament of Marriage.
Sheila Kennedy, an Anglican, is mad as hops. She says
that annulment makes her two children look like . . . you know. And she
adds that the criteria for annulment – that either she or Joe didn’t
know what they were doing when they took their marriage vows – is
completely ridiculous. She says they had the pre-Cana course and waited
the six months before the wedding. She has petitioned the Vatican to
annul the annulment.
Not that Sheila Kennedy wants to annul the divorce. The
divorce is final. She just wants Joe to know he can’t say they were
never married in the eyes of God.
Both non-Catholics and Catholics have a hard time
understanding annulment. For one thing, there is that pesky rumor that
money will buy one. Sheila Kennedy contends that money and power bought
Joe’s annulment – and she wants the rich, ol’ Vatican to take it
But a bigger problem is the apparent laxity of the
marriage tribunals. It seems – to outsiders, at least – that anyone who
wants an annulment gets one.
A third difficulty is that many people do not
understand what a vow is, what a sacrament is, what God is, and why
these factors make annulment different from civil divorce.
First, what are the economic facts?
To say there are no abuses would be incorrect. Nothing
except God Himself is perfect. It’s part of the nature of things that
anything run by Man will have its foibles and its frauds – including
marriage tribunals.
An annulment in the diocese of San Jose costs $400. The
money goes for processing costs, that is, salaries for secretaries,
mailings, etc. The tribunal asks for the money upfront. You pay. then
you send in a biography of your life and marriage, the names and
addresses of people who knew you during the marriage and a way to
contact your former spouse. Then you wait. There are no more requests
for money.
The average annulment takes nine months to a year to
process. "Difficult cases" take longer, about two years. Figures on
denials are hard to dredge up because people don’t step forward and talk
about being turned down. Neither does the Church. A tribunal official
will never argue with the critics – as a divorce lawyer might, for
Conservatives have been saying for a long time that the
real reason people like Kennedy get annulments approved is not because
they pay, but because the church is getting too lax. Fifty years ago,
annulments were rare, so rare that people didn’t bother applying – and
sometimes this meant they didn’t even bother getting divorced.
Applicants had to prove that one party was incapable of making the vow
(from immaturity or mental illness, for example) or that one party was
dishonest and never intended to keep the vow (perhaps a bigamist or
someone who covered up the intention never to have children). If you
couldn’t prove the vow was invalid at its making, then you stayed
married in the eyes of God – for eternity.
Times changed – that is, the way we interpreted the
times changed. Divorces increased. Families got smaller. People stopped
going to church. And the complaints against the annulment procedure got
People want the Church to "lighten up." And pastors
want it, too. Recently, 24 dissident Catholic groups called a press
conference asking the U.S. bishops to petition for an end to
The truth about annulment is that one cannot understand
it apart from the Catholic Sacraments of Marriage. The Sacrament
involves the union of a man and a woman who have the intention of loving
one another forever for the purpose of raising children. Like all
sacraments, the Sacrament of Marriage has "form" and "matter." Water is
the "matter" of Baptism, for example. In marriage, the vow itself is the
matter; the vow is what joins the man and woman and makes them husband
and wife. The vow is made to each other and to God in the presence of a
priest. It is something man cannot put asunder. Only God can dispense
from the vow – that is, the Church acting according to the will of God,
through the Holy Spirit. The same message of Christ to the Apostles that
allows priests to forgive sins also allows priests of the tribunal to
"loose" the vows of marriage: "what you bind on Earth will be bound in
Heaven; what you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven."
A man who serves five years in prison for stealing is
not automatically forgiven by God. He must go to the Sacrament of
Confession. Similarly, a man or woman who has his marriage severed in
divorce court is not thereby "loosed." He must have the Sacrament of
Marriage "loosed" by the Church. This does not, of course, nullify the
years spent being married or the children’s paternity, jut as confessing
to theft does not nullify the original act or the money lost. Rather,
the situations are "forgiven."
Obviously it is impossible to argue the merits of
annulment to a person who does not believe in God. Or to a person who
does not believe that God continues to communicate to His creatures
through His Church and His sacraments. Or to a person who believes a vow
is just a promise one keeps only when it’s convenient.
Much of the criticism of the annulment process comes
from modernists who say we only have one life; therefore, have fun, do
it your way. Accordingly, marriage is just a piece of paper; a vow is
just a bunch of words. God is dead – or a myth – or a good buddy who
forgives all.
The Church teaches that God does, indeed, lay down
rules (the Ten Commandments) and He expects us to live by them. He’s not
just a good buddy; He is the Absolute Lawgiver, the Almighty Father, The
Supreme Parent. We are His children, and the point of our existence here
is to earn existence There – to obey.
The Church teaches that this life is not the most
important one we have to worry about: Eternity looms and lasts longer.
This life is a preparation, sometimes a Purgatory, for the next. And the
vows we make to God in this life, are serious, binding and eternal. Thus
the vow we make to our marriage partner is serious, binding and eternal.
It takes an act of the Church to release someone from it.
There is no question the annulment process has been
cheapened by the idea that anyone can get one. The "little red book" of
annulment procedure called Annulment: Your Chance to Remarry Within the
Catholic Church, by Joseph P. Zwack is a manual for this type of
thinking. Zwack argues that 95 percent of marriages can be annulled for
psychological reasons and he urged people to "go for it."
It is undeniable that it is more difficult to remain
married in today’s free-for-all climate. We may try to live as
Catholics, but the cultural soil that nurtures us is the soil of the
world. And the Church wants to offer its sacramental respite, especially
for the innocent who would be imprisoned by their own or their spouse’s
sin. So annulment is there, like the Sacrament of Confession, but
tougher. It requires more time, more effort and more proof.
Some NewChurch thinkers try to find reasons why
annulment is just an antiquated Church law that is out of step with the
times. They say that 1) Jesus was speaking from his own cultural
perspective when he told people not to put asunder what God had united
in marriage. 2) Since the vow is made by the man and the woman, Church
bureaucracy should not be necessary to release it. 3) Since the Church
recognizes a second marriage after a first marriage partner dies, why
shouldn’t the Church recognize a second marriage after the first
marriage dies? 4) Pastoral concerns necessitate scrapping the annulment
system because people who remarry need the grace of the sacraments
(Statistics show that second marriages fail at a higher rate than first
marriages). 5) A realty check shows that Catholics who have to go
through a lot of "mumbo-jumbo" just leave the Church.
If there was a way the Church could eliminate annulment
without eliminating marriage as a sacrament, it would do so – in a
flash. Priests and bishops do not like alienating people. They like
being liked. And they don’t like losing disgruntled parishioners. But
there is no way the Church can do this.
Christ instituted seven sacraments, and marriage was
one. The Church cannot discard annulment without minimizing marriage. No
matter how high the divorce rate climbs, the Church must remain
steadfast in its refusal to accept the cavalier breaking of the
Is Big Blue Big Brother?
By Robert Holland
One gathers from a recent discussion at the National
Education Goals Panel (NEGP) that an innocuous-sounding new organization
called Achieve is the blunt instrument to bring about the
work-force/technologized brand of school reform favored by big business.
Leading the charge for the corporate-statists is technology titan IBM
and its CEO, Louis V. Gerstner Jr.
Lamenting the fact that "the American public has this
ethic of local control, Colorado Gov. Roy Romer told fellow NEGP
members, "this country needs an institution . . . to organize all the
changes . . . I think the best crack at that institution, quite frankly,
is Achieve." Indeed, if the intent is to move away from local control of
education to a system run by rich and powerful elites, then Achieve is
the best bet. In many key respects it has been set up like a
self-perpetuating subsidiary of IBM.
A little background: Annoyed by grass-roots opposition
to the Goals 2000/School-to-Work model of systemic restructuring,
Gerstner called fellow big-biz chiefs and the nation’s governors to a
National Education summit last year at IBM headquarters in Palisades,
New York. The business leaders threatened to withhold new or expanded
operations from states that balk at work-force prep as the new paradigm
for public education. To make the blackmail credible, they agreed to
fund a nongovernmental entity to monitor each state’s setting of
standards. Achieve is that entity, having opened a Washington office
early in 1997. Its twelve-member board is evenly split between CEOs and
governors. A search is underway for a high-profile director, perhaps a
retired CEO.
Having called the summit, Gerstner now serves as
cochair of Achieve’s board; furthermore, if vacancies occur among
business members, Gerstner will name the replacements.
Average folks may want no part of national education
standards that aim to produce compliant, TQM-trained workers as opposed
to literate, independent minded individuals.
Only the naive think that corporate moguls are leading
the charge out of altruistic motives. It is no coincidence that
technology companies like IBM are out in front. Wiring all K-12 students
to the Internet, as President Clinton has proposed, would create a
market of 50 million children for IBM and other computer companies. By
demanding electronic portfolios to track all children into careers and
through their working lives, school-to-work opens another avenue for big
bucks to blow into big business. Much of the summit communique
shamelessly hawked technology as a panacea for education.
People who don’t like the idea of IBM joining forces
with state governors to seize control over education away from local
institutions should speak out. One citizen can make a big difference at
the state legislature. And don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with
Gerstner. His address is: IBM Corporation, Old Orchard Road, Armonk, NY
Reprinted with the permission of the Morley
Institute. For subscriptions to Crisis, Call 1-800-852-8962. www.
& Book Review
Mainline churches committing suicide
Mainline protestant churches are losing members;
everybody knows that. What’s interesting is that liberal Catholics are
trying to follow them right down the drain.
A new book called The Empty Church, the Suicide of
Liberal Christianity, by Thomas C. Reeves (New York: The Free Press,
Simon and Schuster, 1996, $25) lays out the whole grim picture,
statistic-by-statistic. Reeves is a professor of history at the
University of Wisconsin-Parkside and a Senior Fellow at the Wisconsin
Policy Research Institute. A member of the Episcopal Church, he has been
studying the demise of religious influence on politics for
Taking his cue from C. S. Lewis, Reeves argues that
orthodoxy requires faith in an all-powerful God who was and is capable
of the miraculous. He believes that Christianity without miracles is
dead and makes its Founder and the apostles madmen.
America has always been a religious nation; even today,
most people say they believe in a God, but 44 percent of them don’t
attend a church, according to the pollster Gallup. When asked why they
don’t go to church, most of the reasons do not reflect animosity toward
organized religion. Going to church just doesn’t seem that important; 34
percent said they were too busy – the same reason they give for not
subscribing to a newspaper.
For Americans, the problem is independence; Religious
authority appears to lie in the believer, not in the Church or the
"This is true of modern American Catholics as well. The
massive changes made since Vatican II, consistently celebrated by
liberal Catholics, have had unintended results. Gallup reported that 77
percent said they relied on their (uninformed) consciences rather than
papal teaching in making difficult moral decisions. Polls show Catholics
lending strong support for legal abortion, artificial birth control
(they are more likely than Protestants to be childless), "safe sex"
education in schools, and the ordination of women, all positions
officially opposed by their church.
"According to Gallup, Catholic Church attendance fell
from 74 percent in 1958 to an all-time low of 48 percent in 1988. A
study published in 1994 by University of Notre Dame sociologists Mark
Chaves and James C. Cavendish found that the national average was a mere
26.7 percent."
The liberal Catholic sociologist Andrew Greeley called
the low-percentage study "sloppy work," but it certainly seems to gibe
with what people in the pew are seeing most Sundays.
Welcome to the age of Secular Religion. Reeves says
that while liberal theologians attempt to "deconstruct" Jesus as the Son
of God and Mary as His mother, liberal bishops and priests are following
through with bare-bones churches devoid of spiritual artifacts and wimpy
sermons about ecology and world hunger. In addition, they are not
teaching the religion to parishioners or to young people hungry for
"If Sunday schools are teaching about condoms and
poverty in Rwanda, there is little time for things like Scripture and
Church history. And if the clergy present the faith merely as a branch
of anthropology or social work, there is little need for anyone to be
This superficiality of Christianity finds its
expression in the destructive behavior that mars our everyday lives:
crime, violence, divorce, insensitivity, vulgarity, sexually transmitted
diseases. People don’t think going to church is relevant to solving any
of these problems.
"Liberal Protestantism in particular has become so
secularized and indistinct that it cannot compete successfully with an
abundance of causes and activities that many find more valuable . . .
occupations, neighborhoods, athletic teams, hobbies and ethnic groups .
. . political parties and organizations . . . community groups . . .
professional counselors . . . schools, the media, computer networks,
concerts, lectures.
"Weigh the benefits: Sunday with the family at the
beach or in church listening to a sermon on AIDS; working for overtime
wages or enduring pious generalities about ‘dialoguing,’
‘inclusiveness,’ and ‘sharing and caring;’ study for exams or hearing
the consolations and promises of the Bible are not ‘really or literally’
true; entering a race to raise funds for disadvantaged children or
sitting through pleas for federal health insurance; shopping at the mall
or hearing about the wickedness of anti-abortion demonstrators; reading
the newspaper or being harangued about racism and sexism."
Reeves concludes that churches need to get back to
basics. Give ’em God. But he doesn’t ask the crucial question: Why, with
all the evidence to the contrary, do liberal church officials continue
this dance with extinction? They are like rabbits on a country road,
frightened of the approaching headlights, yet running headlong into the
‘In the room the
come and
Talking of
T. S. Eliot
The Love Song of J.
Alfred Prufrock
& Book Review
A how-to book on Catholic parenting
A Little Child Shall Lead them, Hopeful Parenting in a
Confused World by Johann Christoph Arnold (Farmington, Pa., Plough
Publishing House, 1997), was praised by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger for
writing down "what the Pope is tirelessly teaching. I am happy that this
book is written simply so we can all understand it. It is indeed very
Arnold and his wife, Verena, have eight children and 14
grandchildren of their own. He is a senior elder of the Bruderhof, a
consortium of eight Christian communes in the United States and England
with about 25,000 members.
Arnold’s premise is that many of the problems in the
world (crime, violence, divorce, child abuse) come from failing step No.
1: parenting children because they are personal gifts from God. Indeed,
children are our key to heaven; Christ said, "Suffer the little children
to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."
Whereas most parental "how-to" books are based on
techniques and prescriptions, this "how-to" is based on getting the
nitty-gritty of everyday problems to fall into line with a Christian
life. Arnold discusses very basic issues like bed-wetting and not
spoiling the gifted child. Yet he offers some good straight talk on
philosophical issues like sex-education in the schools:
"Sex education began as an off-shoot of the sexual
revolution of the 1960s. Like the revolution itself, sex education as it
is commonly taught in our schools is based on the premise (even if not
stated) that sex is primarily a form of recreation. Its goal, therefore,
is to instruct teens on how to engage in sexual activity while avoiding
pitfalls such as unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases.
It is unlikely that this goal will be openly admitted, even by the
strongest advocates of sex education. Yet an honest look at the
materials used in most schools can only lead to the conclusion that this
is, indeed, the actual intent."
Arnold believes children suffer overall from the modern
world’s preoccupation with materialism, from parents spending too much
time at careers to inane television commercials.
"The spirit of mammon is also at the root of abortion.
The deliberate, legalized killing of the unborn is. I believe, worse
than the Massacre of the Innocents in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago. No
matter how painful or difficult the circumstances of conception or
birth, and no matter how debilitated or deformed a baby, we must witness
to the fact that every human being is created by God in his image, and
that each one has a purpose: To destroy a child, whether born or unborn,
is to deface the image of God."
The basic threat to our children is that so many no
longer understand this.
C Theatre Review D
Pearl of York: A play with the young in
At a time when our young people are exposed almost
daily to such "role models" as Madonna, Ellen DeGeneres, Dennis Rodman,
and the stars of MTV, there is a pressing need to bring to their
attention a few of the authentic heroes of the Catholic
One such "hero" would be little known Margaret
Clitherow, a 16th century Englishwoman who died for her faith during the
reign of Henry VIII. The story of this courageous woman was presented
this spring in the Pearl of York, a play by local writer Cathal
Gallagher and the Quo Vadis Theater Company.
It was presented at the Sunnyvale Community Playhouse
for two weekends in late May. The amateur cast was convincing, the
costumes very authentic, and the story of one simple, uncomplicated
woman who stood tall against the oppressive English authorities – church
and state – inspiring.
Jodie Smith in the title role of Margaret Clitherow
gave an especially remarkable performance.
The View from the Pew would love to see the diocese of
San Jose and the local Catholic high schools take steps to present the
Pearl of York to our teenagers who are in desperate need of more
positive role models in these fast-moving times.
’97 CWN: taste and see more idiocy
Taste and see the awful boredom of feminism and the
Catholic Women’s Network.
This year’s all-day workshop was titled "Taste and See: A
Day of Discovery" and was offered at Bellarmine College Preparatory School
in San Jose on June 21 for $40 per person at the door.
The rituals and seminars were the usual silly stuff, but
this year only about 200 people showed up, about half last year’s bored
Taste and see: In the opening ritual (which lasted 1
hour, 15 minutes), four women processed down two aisles in Bellarmine
Auditorium to the small stage in front. Two of them twirled and played
with their long scarves, taking little dancey steps. another woman
drummed, and one played the viola. For the next hour, they continued to
Participants discovered why they had been given little
bags of "stuff" when they enrolled. Inside the bags were an apple, a
stone, a sprig of rosemary and two packets of salt. In the first 45-minute
segment, the little-stone-segment, Yolanda Rhodes sang "Eh, moma ma, eh
mama mo," beat her drum and rambled on about Mother Earth, her ancestors,
the woes of motherhood, hurt, sorrow and healing yourself.
Rhodes’ credentials for appearing at a "Catholic"
symposium are; practitioner of traditional African religion; Tantric Kriya
and Tantric Tibetan Yoga; singer; storyteller; and dancer. Her job with
the pebble was to present "the earth/holistic traditions that hold the
natural as well as human world as sacred, that find the holy in all of
life," according to the program notes. The stone was "to remind us of the
sacredness of our bodies and the life-giving strength, solidity and
abundance of the Earth."
Women in the audience were urged to call out their fears,
sufferings and sorrows in "planned spontaneity." It sounded
less-than-spontaneous when they all called out in the same sing-songy
voice: "Birth!" "Being victimized by my husband’s career!" "I went to the
store and was mugged!" At least one woman gave her "spontaneous" fears
from notes.
The next 15 minutes involved the sprig of rosemary in the
"medicine bag." Selections from Hildegard von Bingen were played. Mimi
Dye, a viola soloist, invoked the spirit of St. Hildegard, an abbess who
composed early Church music. Exactly what she had to do with rosemary is
this: Rosemary is a green and pungent herb to taste and smell, and in
savoring the aroma, "we evoke the spirit of veriditas, a term Hildegard
used to celebrate the ‘greening power’ of God . . . It showers humanity
with ‘greening refreshment, the vitality to bear fruit.’"
Then participants examined their fast-food packets of
salt. Of course, these are reminders that Lot’s wife had been turned into
a pillar of salt because she looked back at the burning city, Sodom. But
Victoria Rue, a feminist theologian and "biblical" playwright,
reinterpreted the story: She presented a one-act skit, in which she was
both Lot’s wife, named Myra, and the narrator. The skit switched back and
forth between Lot’s time and today. Myra was presented as a
long-suffering, hard-working and caring mother and the God that turned her
into a pillar of salt as unreasonable, unloving and
"They say I looked back out of curiosity," Myra says.
"Maybe I was looking for my porcelain bowl."
"He wouldn’t care if I died," she pouts about
"I have been told to go forward. Forward1 And not to look
back," she says heroically. "What kind of a God only looks forward! A God
that only looks forward forgets his creatures."
"I stand as a monument to all the women who stand against
the will of the fathers."
Time for the apple. Betsy Rose, a singer, songwriter who
is into deep ecology and spirituality/social action, is a graduate of the
Institute in Culture & Creation Spirituality and a close associate of
Thich Nhat Hanh. Rose played the guitar and sang her "taste-and-see"
Oh, taste, taste and see
How good is the fruit that falls from the
Oh, taste, taste and see
How good is the fruit of the garden
Rose alluded to Rue’s play and Old Testament themes,
especially Genesis and the eating of the forbidden fruit as symbolized by
the apple. "There’s a story that says we shouldn’t have eaten the apple,"
she said and then invited everyone to take a bite of her "medicine bag"
apple. And another bite. And another. The room filled with music and
chomps, music and chomps. This activity was supposed to bring about
awareness and awake the "beginner’s mind," an act central to Buddhism, the
program guide explained.
"We don’t have to be bound by Lot’s way," Rose said.
"There is a story that says we should have eaten that apple."
After this "Catholic" introduction ritual, in which women
were told it was right to sin – and to look back in fond remembrances of
it – the group broke up into small workshops. View from the Pew attended
the session on "Eastern Spirituality: A Lay Person’s Perspective,"
conducted by Ina Adams, who is a marriage and family counselor, has taught
Kuan Yin meditations and is a member of the Siddha Yoga community under
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. She said she was raised by agnostic parents and
knows very little about Western/Christian spirituality. But she said this
gave her the freedom to "examine all faiths," and proceeded to compare the
Blessed Mother to Kuan Yin, the feminine expression of the
Alas, we had enough taste not to see any more. but we’d
like to invite diocesan officials and Bellarmine Prep to exercise more
taste next year when these modern Eves come looking for church property in
which to present their silly, little heresies.
K Dim views K
U.S. Catholic school enrollment drops
Despite frequent assurances by the Church that it is
committed to providing education in urban primarily non-Catholic areas,
officials concede the mission is increasingly expensive and difficult.
The immigrant communities who formed parishes and parish schools have
moved to the suburbs, and new populations are often poorer and simply
can’t help pay the bill.
"Our urban schools are the most needed because in many
urban areas the (public) schools are not doing the job," said Robert
Kealey, executive director for elementary schools at the National
Catholic Education Association. "But the people attending these schools
are the poorest in society, and the population of these urban parishes
has dwindled."
Approximately 45 percent of Catholic schools nationwide
is in cities, but in the past five years their numbers have dropped from
4,010 to 3,725.
L Dimmer views L
‘Making all things new’ makes all things
It is very much like so many other churches: the white
cloth draped over the bare altar inscribed in large, cheerful letters,
"Making all things new; a tasteful stained glass cross without the
corpus, banners of various colors covering side walls and several
smaller drapes in the sanctuary with pictures of festive multi-colored
There are no statues or holy pictures to be seen
anywhere in the church, and, of course, no altar rail or confessionals.
Hymnals in the pews contain familiar songs and prayers.
What Catholic Church is this? Oh, you thought it was
yours? No, it is the United Methodist Church in Los Altos. Isn’t it nice
that we’re all together on "how to be Church?"
N Dimmest views N
Bishops support Graham
The Valley Catholic reports that Archbishop William
Levada of San Francisco sent this message to parishioners on the Billy
Graham Crusade.
"I have no doubt that Catholics who attend the Crusade
in October will derive blessings from their participation."
The Diocese of San Jose went further by supplying the
Crusade schedule for those interested.
Let’s set the record straight: Protestant crusades are
for the purpose of making converts to Protestantism. Catholics should
stay home and pray for their bishops’ conversion to
Bishop’s mea culpa
Bishop Willie Walsh of Ireland has apologized for the
hurt caused Protestants who married Catholics and were forced to raise
their children in the Catholic faith.
The bishop of Killaloe called the religious (Ne temere)
requirement "contrary to the spirit of Christian generosity and
The apology was welcomed by the Church of Ireland,
which cites the ruling as a main cause of the decline of Protestantism
in the republic.
By and For Santa Clara Valley Catholics
Marc S. Crotty
Publication committee
Doug Zeitz
VIEW FROM THE PEW is published by an association of
Catholic laity in the Diocese of San Jose, Calif. Suggested donation is
$10. Any donation is gladly accepted but is not tax deductible. For all
inquiries, and Letters to the Editor, please write to: Box 700084, San
Jose, CA 95170-0084.
© 1997 View from the Pew — Articles may be copied,
provided due credit is given to VFTP.
View’s statement of purpose
The View from the Pew is published bi-monthly and
distributed by subscription, direct delivery and World Wide
The purpose of the View is to praise God, document
modernist abuses, and praise orthodox courage.
We praise priests and bishops who uphold the word of God,
who accept the authority of His Church, who teach the infallibility of the
Magisterium acting through the Holy Spirit and who courageously administer
their parishes and diocese during a historical period that vilifies their
We praise lay people who accept the authority of the
Church and live out their vocations in life according to God’s plan, in
the service of God and neighbor.
Diocese of San
Jose (Dioecesis Sancti Josephi in California) Established January 27,
1981 Most Reverend Pierre DuMaine, D.D., Ph.D. First Bishop of San
Jose; ordained June 5, 1957; appointed Auxiliary Bishop of San Francisco
and Titular Bishop of Sarda April 28, 1978; Episcopal Ordination June 29,
1978; appointed Bishop of San Jose January 27, 1981. Office: Diocese of
San Jose, 900 Lafayette St. Suite 301 Santa Clara, CA 95050-4966
The National Conference of Catholic
Bishops 3211 Fourth St., NE Washington D.C. 20017
Vol 4 No. 3 - May
/ June 1997
Vol 4 No. 2 - Mar
/ Apr 1997
Vol 4 No. 1- Jan
/ Feb 1997
Vol 3 No. 6 - Nov
/ Dec 1996
Vol 3 No. 5 -
Sept / Oct 1996
Vol 3 No. 4 -
July/August 1996
Vol. 3 No. 3-
May/June 1996
Vol. 3 No. 2 -
March/April 1996
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York | 1962
Missal Romanum | New Advent Web
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Under Siege) |
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Credendi |
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