The New Order succeeding the Old :
a greater realisation of heaven on earth?
by David Joyce
"test everything; hold fast what is good" - 1
Thess 5:21
The Holy Mass in the opinion of many over the
centuries has often been a haven away from our fallen and corrupt lives. We walk
off the streets, which are full of filth, materialism and vulgarity (and these
days, road rage and the like) into what seems a touch of heaven. We creep in
like cowering kittens, afraid of what will become of us, when suddenly the
liturgy of the Church grabs us by the scruff of our necks and wrenches us from
earth to heaven and back. We enter a world of light, of quiet hushed tones, of
wisdom and divine goodness. The people present seek humility before their
Creator, before the altar of the ultimate sacrifice: of their Saviour Jesus
Christ. We seek out the Word of God, His teachings of love and freedom through
the following of His commandments, and to receive Jesus fully in our hearts,
souls, minds and on our tongues. There is no holding back as far as our Lord is
Upon leaving the Church, the smell of incense, the utterances
of praise and thanksgiving gently dispel from our lips and minds. We are then
tossed back into this fallen world of ours, but hopefully a little fresher, a
little wiser, more nourished in our Saviour than before. It is as if we take a
spiritual bath every week - we enter after a week of combating the forces of
evil, cleanse ourselves in God's Word and Sacrament ready to take on another
week of service and discipleship. We go back into the fray, with Jesus in our
minds, hearts and bodies, we can rightly feel that we can take another bashing
in His name, the One in whom we believe and in whom we live. Similar to getting
home to a hot dinner, we can feel that we have "made it" back, anything
in-between then fades into perspective.
I certainly find that Holy Mass
should, and must, pull us up into the union of worshipping God in heaven. We
should join the angels in perfect, heavenly worship. Mass needs to provide us
with the nearest thing this side of heaven in attaining true worship that re-
enforces the relationship between God and creature. It should give us the
opportunity to gasp for air, before going back under to join the battle. Air
that is clean, fills the lungs with an abundance of love to counteract the hate
that threatens to strangle our society, that - in the end - entices others who
are seemingly near drowning point. This air must be heavenly air, air that the
angels in the full presence of God breath constantly and is given to us through
the sacraments of the Church. If I am drowning, then the last thing I want is
something to drink, however nicely flavoured it is. I need something that
reflects eternal life, not my current state of sin. I do not need something that
relates to my fallen state of life, but something that relates to my eternal
destiny and draws me towards it. Jesus was in this world, but was not part of
it, as He equally commanded His disciples to be. In the end, we are all
pilgrims, on a fleeting visit to this ransacked house of ours. To restore order,
we need to bring in the sacred, raise ourselves to heaven so as to partake in
heavenly life. If we wish to ruin everything, not just our fallen world, then a
sure way to go about it is to bring down the sacred to our level so that it
itself becomes fallen so as to relate to us. To achieve eternal life, Jesus
exclaimed that we must take up our cross and follow Him, in losing our earthly
life we will find eternal life. Our fallen state must die, and only then will we
find ourselves glorified in Christ. Therefore, at the door of the church, we
must leave our fallen life behind, and enter "the most beautiful thing this side
of heaven" (Fr. Faber on the traditional Mass). In Mass, we can join the angels
and saints in heavenly worship, to become one with them in a union of spiritual
praise and sacrifice. We nail ourselves to Christ on the cross during Mass, so
that on the third day we too may be glorified in His name.
The New
and Old Rite
This brings me to how the "reform" of Pope Paul VI has
realised this aim: to advance the cause of heavenly worship on earth. The
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council aims to further
the raising up of the faithful within the Holy Mass to new heights of spiritual
involvement and holiness. The slight opening up of the liturgy towards the
vernacular envisioned within the document is a noble and minor reform,
especially as stated within what is now known as the Liturgy of the Word. The
result, however, seems far from slight. Rather than condemning the result at
this stage (the Novus Ordo Missae) as a break with tradition, let us examine
several main points on how the new Mass compares with the old in reflecting
heavenly worship on earth. Have we taken a great leap forward with this
revolutionary change, or a leap backwards? I have chosen several concepts that
many would term as describing heaven: worship, peace, spirituality, order and
1. Worship
Why were we created at all? To share
in God's eternal love through our worship of Him. God does not need to be
worshipped, but to become fully human it is for our own good that we worship and
adore God with our whole strength, heart and soul, as Jesus answered the wise
scribe (Mark 12:28-33) in order to attain eternal life. To share in God's
eternal life, we cannot but help and worship Him with all we have. I never
encounter so much peace and consolation as and when I humbly endeavour to
worship God with my whole being.
So, how does the worship of the new Mass
compare with the old? There is, of course, one striking difference: the priest
is positioned behind the altar, facing the people. With this single, simple
change, the entire focus of the Mass has been changed from God to the priest,
from a something, or rather someone, outside and above, to those inside and
below. Moreover, when before the altar and tabernacle were the centre of
attention, we now usually have a large "presider's" chair plonked down in the
sanctuary. Avoiding eye contact with the priest becomes an embarrassing
exercise, concentration is further hampered, and with the constant marching of
lay people up and down the sanctuary to perform certain duties, the single act
of worship is increasingly smothered.
2. Peace
is surely, above all else, peaceful. No more car alarms, harassing telephone
calls, stressful traffic jams or working environments. But does the new Mass
reflect this ideal, or does it more reflect the stressfulness of modern day
life? Let me briefly take one example: the reception of communion. Leaving aside
the controversy of communion in the hand, does the common practice of taking
turn in a line, receiving communion standing intrinsically more peaceful and
prayerful than before, or more stressful? Surely the later! I personally find
the practice a totally unsettling experience. A typical performance: in trying
to keep up with the person in front, stepping out before the priest whilst he is
saying the infinitely important words, "The Body of Christ" whilst trying to
stick a quick "Amen" in there somewhere, exposing my tongue for my Blessed Lord
and then having to shuffle out of the way for the person behind and get back to
my seat, I simply have not the time to realise the immense gift and grace that I
am receiving!!! Is this a reflection of our stressful society or what? Let us
examine the same event at a traditional Mass: firstly wait patiently (I trust!)
for a place at the altar rail, kneel down, prayerfully prepare yourself for the
most awesome gift one can ever receive, realise it is your turn next, expose
your tongue and without having to say anything you are then fed by the priest in
the person of Christ with God Himself! Now, take a few seconds to begin to
consume the Host while still praying, and only then do I have to get out of the
way for the next batch of communicants. Viola! A touch of
3. Spirituality
To be filled by the Holy
Spirit, is to attain perfect happiness in God. It is to achieve the integrity
that we lost at the Fall, to finally cast off the chains of sin and inherit the
divine freedom that only submission to God brings. For a Mass, and a church as
well, to be "spiritual", is not an easy thing to define. However, taking the
architecture of the church alone, to enter what looks like my front room does
not hit me as immensely helpful on the spirituality front. Heaven is surely made
of better stuff than this! The Mass itself must emphasise the sacred, and the
true dependence of us mere creatures on God, who if He forgot us for an instant
would mean we would all disappear in not even a puff of smoke. Humility is,
therefore, of the utmost importance, in realising our state of nothingness
before God, the Almighty. Call me a stick in the mud, but I find the absolute
care in which the traditional Mass is performed of incredible significance,
emphasising the immense actions of the priest happening before us, representing
the sacrifice of Calvary. The absolute solemnity of it all is very striking, in
contrast to the "happy clappy" services of the Novus Ordo Missae which seem to
dispel the sacred in the name of (physical) participation. For God to touch my
heart, my mind and senses need to be silenced, only then can God's constant
whispering be heard. This is especially noticeable in the silence of the
consecration during the traditional Mass: it is simply
4. Order
God created a universe of order,
with our bodies under the authority of our human will, and where our will
submits to the infinite wisdom of God. The opposite of order is, of course,
chaos, and our world is devastated by the effects of the Fall where this perfect
order was destroyed. We live in a chaotic world where confusion reigns, clarity
is pushed out by public opinion, media hype and the incessant need to satisfy
our desires. Christ, the only way out of this chaos, said we should shout the
Truth from the rooftops, and so we should if we believed it enough. Above all
else, the Mass should reflect the order and clarity of God's vision, it should
preach the Church's doctrines without ambiguity. This seemed evident in the
traditional Mass which "provided an insurmountable barrier to any heresy
directed against the integrity of the Mystery" (the Ottaviani intervention).
Does the new Mass also follow in this tradition? Apart from the apparent chaos
of how the Mass is actually conducted these days, the actual liturgy hardly
seems to come out better. Responses such as "Christ has died, Christ is risen,
Christ will come again" hardly reflects the Catholic belief in the real presence
of Christ on the altar at that stage of the Mass. And how does the response
"When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death Lord Jesus,
until you come in glory" reflect the doctrine of transubstantiation (or even
resurrection!) in that after the prayers of consecration the bread and wine are
literally and substantially replaced by the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of
Jesus Himself? Does the way the ever proliferating number of Extraordinary
Ministers of the Eucharist touching the sacred host and vessels increase our
belief in the doctrine that the host is God Himself, and the priest is set apart
from us? Does the notion that women are intrinsically different from men become
clearer with the introduction of female altar servers, readers, etc.? Chaos and
confusion are weapons of the devil, not of God.
Finally, we look at how unity is preached at Mass after the
introduction of the Novus Ordo Missae. Totally against the text of the
Constitution on the Liturgy, the unity the Church felt through its singular use
of Latin in the Latin rite has been totally discarded in this age of cultural
"progress". Has this helped the laity understand what is going on during the
Mass? I think not. It is much more important to know what is happening during
the Mass rather than what is simply being said by the priest. The missals
contained, after all, the entire text of the Mass. Under the traditional Mass, I
could enter a Catholic church in South America or Africa under that Latin rite
from my house in England, and feel immediately at home. Now, if I go as far as
Holland, I almost feel that I attending the wrong religion! It is obvious that
after the introduction of the missal of Pope Paul VI, the people within the
Church have become more divided than ever. We as the people of God should
(ideally) come into ever greater union with each other through union with God,
our Saviour, by uniting ourselves to the mystical body of Christ, the Church.
Sorry folks, but we seem to be heading in the wrong direction for that
The New Mass: heaven in today's world?
I hope I
have shown that this intention has not been realised in the drafting and
implementation of the Novus Ordo Missae. The old saying of "lex orandi, lex
credendi" (basically, how you pray reflects what you believe) is so important -
I desire to find somewhere where I can pray and behave externally what I believe
internally. I wish to engage in a liturgy that respects the Blessed Sacrament as
the very body of Christ, through whom the Universe came into existence, and we
have been given the incredible privilege of receiving into our very being. I am
thirsting for the entirety of the Catholic faith - the fullness of the fullness
of the faith, if you like. I find attending a typical Sunday new Mass these days
a distressful, distracting and even a dangerous experience - does that sound
like heaven to you?! It seems that in trying to relate ourselves to the angels a
touch better we have succeeded in dragging them down to our fallen level: pity
them! Do I sound nostalgic? Hardly, I'm only 26 years old! I do, however, feel
that I have been denied my birthright, thrown away by liturgical experts like
that of Esau in the book of Genesis. I do, however, often glimpse heaven in the
traditional Masses that I frequently attend, a touch of eternal life among the
ruins, a gasp of fresh air in-between the battering waves of Satan. I'm
determined not to drown that easily.
Back to Lex orandi, lex
credendi page
Last modified 6th March, 1997, by David Joyce.