The next significant document is the General Instruction on the Roman
Missal published in April 1969. Article 262 of this Instruction, while
purporting to quote article 91 of the First Instruction, actually falsifies it.
It reads:
We thus have a simple suggestion, "It is better that", falsified into an
implied command, and the distasteful situation of the Liturgy Constitution being
falsified in the First Instruction, and the First Instruction being falsified in
the General Instruction. However, despite being based upon these falsifications,
by no possible stretch of the imagination can article 262 of the General
Instruction be interpreted as mandating the destruction of existing altars to
make possible a celebration facing the people. Interpreted in the light of the
authentic text of Article 124 of the Liturgy Constitution, it can only refer to
the construction of altars in new churches, not the demolition of altars in
existing churches.
© 1997 Michael Davies.
Last modified 27th October, 1997, by David Joyce.