Recommended Reading
Sacred Scripture
The most important book in history is the Bible; the
inerrant and inspired Word of God. Here I recommend two translations, the second
with extensive commentary:
The Douay-Rheims Bible
Navarre Bible (the New Testament in 12 volumes), published by Four Courts
Press (includes text from the Revised Standard Version, the Latin Vulgate and
commentary from the Faculty of Theology of the University of
Spiritual Writings
Confessions, by St. Augustine of Hippo,
various editions
The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis,
various editions
Introduction to the Devout Life, by St. Francis
de Sales, various editions
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of
Loyola, various editions (the founder of the Society of
True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis de Montfort, published
by TAN Books - Fr. Faber's classic translation (considered as the greatest book
ever written on Mary)
The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis de
Montfort, published by TAN Books (allow this great Saint regarding Our Lady
guide you through this powerful prayer)
Life of Christ, by Abp.
Fulton Sheen.
Doctrine of the Catholic Church
Catechism of the Catholic Church,
published by Geoffrey Chapman, London (the latest universal
The Christian Faith in the Doctrinal Documents of the
Catholic Church, edited by Jacques Dupuis, published by Alba House, 6th
edition, 1995 (compendium of the documents which define the Christian
Vatican Council II - The Conciliar and Post Conciliar
Documents, edited by Austin Flannery, published by Dominican
Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, by Dr. Ludwig Ott,
published by TAN Books (the greatest single book on Catholic
The Denzinger (The Sources of Catholic Dogma), the famous
Enchiridion Symbolorum
Catechism of St. Pius
Baltimore Catechism (four volumes)
Catechism of
Trent (also known as the Roman Catechism)
The Faith of the Early
Fathers, published by The Liturgical Press (in three volumes: the Pre-Nicene
and Nicene eras; the Post-Nicene era through St. Jerome; St. Augustine to the
end of the patristic period)
Theology and Apologetics
Radio Replies, by Fathers Rumble and
Cartly, published by TAN Books in three volumes (containing 4,374 questions and
answers on all aspects of the faith)
Where We Got The Bible - Our Debt
to the Catholic Church, by Fr. Henry G. Graham, published by TAN
Evangelical is not Enough - Worship of God in Liturgy and
Sacrament, by Thomas Howard, published by Ignatius Press (how the discovery
of liturgy and sacrament converted an Evangelical)
Catholicism and
Fundamentalism - The Attack on "Romanism" by "Bible Christians" by Karl
Keating, published by Ignatius Press (Keating defends Catholicism from
misunderstandings and attacks by fundamentalist "Bible
Rome Sweet Home - Our Journey to Catholicism, by
Scott & Kimberley Hahn, published by Ignatius Press (the story of how the
Hahns converted from "anti-Catholics" to Roman Catholics and all the soul
searching this process involved)
A Heavenly Journey - A Fictional
Story Based on Historical and Biblical Facts, by Veralyn R. Alpha, published
by Faith Publishing Company (a Protestant pastor is brought back in time by
Archangel Gabriel to Biblical and post-Biblical times to discover the true roots
of Catholicism)
Surprised by Truth - 11 Converts give the Biblical and
Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic, edited by Patrick Madrid,
published by Basilica Press (with a forward by Scott Hahn, eleven personal
conversion accounts that are all different and touching)
Writings on the Crisis in the Catholic Church
The Devastated
Vineyard, by Dietrich von Hildebrand, published by Roman Catholic Books (the
great philosopher of the century discusses current errors that have devastated
the vineyard of the Lord)
The Recovery of the Sacred, by James
Hitchcock, published by Ignatius Press (cataloging the liturgical anarchy in the
1960's, and how the rules of liturgical development were broken)
Rhine Flows into the Tiber, by Father Wiltgen, published by TAN Books
(written by a priest who interviewed hundreds of the Fathers of Vatican II in
order to write this very scholarly work on the forces behind the
Cranmer's Godly Order, by Michael Davies, published by
Roman Catholic Books (how Cranmer, the apostate Abp. of Canterbury in the 16th
century, changed the religion of England through liturgical
Pope John's Council, by Michael Davies, published by the
Angelus Press (the events of the Council, especially how the highly organised
liberal group took control)
Pope Paul's New Mass, by Michael
Davies, published by the Angelus Press (describes the changes to the Mass from
the changes in the Sanctuary to the introduction of Communion in the
Michael Davies has also written many other books and booklets on
the liturgical changes since the Second Vatican Council which, although I do not
list here, I wholeheartedly recommend.
The Reform of the Roman Liturgy
- its Problems and Background by Monsignor Klaus Gamber, published by Una
Voce Press and The Foundation for Catholic Reform (an authoritative guide to the
liturgical changes, with a preface by Cardinal Ratzinger, including the history
of Mass facing the altar)
Liturgy general
Ancient Devotions for Holy Communion, published
by Roman Catholic Books
The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite
Described, by Fortescue and O'Connell, 1962 edition re-printed by The Saint
Austin Press.
How Christ Said the First Mass, published by TAN
Books (The Last Supper/the First Mass, wasn't the simple meal among friends that
many think - it was more like a Solemn High Mass!)
Learning to
Serve, published by the Angelus Press (aimed especially at young altar boys,
this book is excellent at learning how to serve the traditional Mass without any
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credendi page
Last modified 12th May, 1997, by David Joyce.