by Michael Davies
From the back cover of the booklet, available in its entirety from TAN Books:
Based on Father Adrian Fortescue's famous work The Mass: A Study of the
Roman Liturgy, the little book gives a compact history of the Roman Rite
of the Mass from the Last Supper to the Traditional Mass ("Tridentine Mass")
as it is said today. Michael Davies - the foremost author in English on the
changes in the Catholic liturgy - explains the origin of Low Mass, of
Sacramentaries, of the Gallican and various other Western Rites, etc. He
highlights the reforms of Pope St. Gregory the Great (590-604) and Pope St.
Pius V (1566-1572), showing how neither "reform" produced a "new" liturgy;
rather the liturgical texts were always treated with the upmost reverence, and
revisions were always minor. Michael Davies points out that "the very idea of
composing a new order of Mass was and is totally alien to the whole Catholic
ethos" and that "The Catholic tradition has been to hold fast to what has been
handed down and to loOk upon any novelty with the utmost suspicion." Yet this
unbroken Catholic tradition was breached in 1970 when the Roman Missal was
subjected to radical revision.
The reader will come away from this book
with a totally new appreciation for the "Tridentine Mass" as being our sacred
and life-giving liturgical heritage - passed down to us from Christian
antiquity and intended to be passed on to all Catholic generations yet to
The following essential chapters are provided on this web-page:
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credendi page
Last modified 27th October, 1997, by David Joyce.